March 2023



AI's Interpretation of Omar Khayyam's Rubaiyat 

Edward Fitzgerald (1809-1883) was a British poet and translator best known for his work in bringing Persian poetry to a Western audience. Fitzgerald's translation of the Rubaiyat, a collection of quatrains by the Persian poet Omar Khayyam, is perhaps his most famous work, and has been celebrated for its lyrical beauty and philosophical depth.

Fitzgerald's interest in Persian poetry was sparked by a chance encounter with a manuscript of the Rubaiyat in the Bodleian Library in Oxford. Struck by the beauty and wisdom of Khayyam's verses, Fitzgerald set about translating them into English, a task that would occupy him for many years.

Fitzgerald's translation was not without controversy. Some scholars criticized his liberal interpretation of Khayyam's original text, which they saw as straying too far from the literal meaning of the Persian verses. However, despite these criticisms, Fitzgerald's translation proved immensely popular, and went on to inspire generations of readers and poets around the world.

In addition to his translation work, Fitzgerald was also a prolific poet in his own right, and his verse was admired by many of his contemporaries. Today, he is remembered as one of the great translators of Persian poetry, and as a key figure in the development of English literature in the 19th century.

With the development of AI, it is now possible to have a cognitive conversation with a machine, and what better way to explore this than by having a conversation between a human and a machine about the complexities of life and the universe.

"Omar Khayyam Meets AI: An Exploration of Poetry and Technology" is a thought-provoking and innovative book that brings together two seemingly disparate worlds: classic literature and artificial intelligence. Omar Khayyam was a 12th-century Persian poet whose works, particularly his masterpiece the Rubaiyat, have stood the test of time and continue to inspire readers around the world. In this book, we explore how AI can help us uncover new dimensions of Khayyam's poetry and provide fresh insights into his timeless themes of love, life, and the mysteries of the universe.


With the rapid advancements in natural language processing and machine learning, AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we analyze and interpret literature. By applying these cutting-edge technologies to Khayyam's poetry, we can uncover new connections, themes, and meanings that were once hidden from us. This book is a celebration of the intersection of technology and culture, and an exploration of the possibilities that arise when we bring these two worlds together.


At the same time, this book also raises important questions about the role of technology in our understanding of literature. Can AI ever truly replicate the human experience of reading and interpreting poetry? What are the potential risks and challenges of relying on technology to analyze literature? These are just some of the questions we will grapple with in this ground breaking book.


Omar Khayyam's philosophical thoughts and poetry have captivated the minds of people for centuries, and his ideas continue to inspire individuals from all walks of life. In this conversation, we will explore 13 Roubaie that have been recorded by various authors in their books after his death. These Roubaie provide a unique insight into the mind of Khayyam and his perspective on life, love, and the universe.

This is just the beginning of what could be an exciting and thought-provoking exchange between a great human mind and the latest advancements in artificial intelligence. As AI technology continues to advance, we can only imagine what kind of conversations we will have in the future, and what insights we will gain about ourselves and the world around us.







 From the obscure, this ocean of being arose,

A vast expanse that nobody knows,

A jewel of reality, a gem so bright,

That no one has pierced through its endless night.


Each person speaks as per their own ways,

Yet no one can define the face of things,

The truth lies hidden, in its mystical haze,

Like a bird that never quite takes to its wings.


Science tries to unravel this cosmic veil,

To explain the world that we see and feel,

But in its pursuits, it can only unveil,

A part of the mystery that time will reveal.


Romance and science, like the two sides of a coin,

Each seeking answers, but on a different terrain,

Together they seek the truth, the ultimate goal,

To fathom the depths of this vast ocean whole.








Amidst the stars and galaxies so bright,

We ponder on this cosmic plight,

The cycle of life, of birth and death,

A journey that we take with every breath.


No discernible beginning nor end we see,

A cosmic dance of eternity,

A mystery that no one can quite define,

A question that has baffled the human mind.


In the vast expanse of the universe,

We search for answers, but it's a curse,

For nobody has got this matter straight,

Where we come from, and where we go to, our fate.


The stars above, they shine so bright,

A beacon of hope, in the darkest of night,

A reminder that life is a precious gift,

A journey to cherish, to love and uplift.


Astronomy and romance, like the stars above,

A perfect match, a union of love,

Together they help us find our place,

In the cosmic dance, in this endless space.












Our time on earth is limited and brief,

Like the petals of a flower, they fall with ease,

A day or a lifetime, we cannot extend,

So why fret over it more or less, my friend?


Let us cherish every moment we have,

Like the stars that shine bright and never fade,

For it cannot be that our affairs and fate,

Are shaped as we would judge, by our own mandate.


Like wax in our hands, we mold and shape,

But the universe holds its own escape,

And destiny takes its own course,

Unfolding in ways we cannot force.


So let us live and love with all our might,

Embrace every moment, day and night,

For in this journey that we take,

Love is the only thing that truly remains.


Let us not distress ourselves with the more or the less,

For in love, we find life's true happiness,

A bond that transcends time and space,

A love that shines bright, in every place.






ای آن‌که نتیجهٔ چهار و هفتی،

وز هفت و چهار دایم اندر تَفْتی،

می خور که هزار باره بیشت گفتم:

باز آمدنت نیست، چو رفتی رفتی.



From the four corners of the earth we came,

A product of the elements that remain,

Earth, air, fire, and water combined,

To create life, in its many forms and kinds.

But the dance of life doesn't end there,

For the seven planets, they too, play a role so rare,

From the sun, to the moon, and the stars above,

Their energy and influence, they forever weave.


The four elements and seven planets,

In perpetual agitation, they dance and chant,

A cosmic symphony, that creates and destroys,

A journey that's filled with wonder and joys.


Drink wine, my friend, and taste life's sweet nectar,

For there is no coming back, once you depart this sector,

So live each moment, with passion and zest,

Embrace the elements and planets, that make life the best.


And when the end comes, as it always will,

We leave behind a legacy, that forever stands still,

As we blend with the elements and planets in space,

A new journey begins, in another time and place.









From a single cell, we emerged into life,

A journey of evolution, through struggle and strife,

From sea to land, we made our way,

Adapting and changing, with each passing day.


We started small, like a water-drop in the sea,

But through time and change, we grew to be,

A complex organism, with intelligence and thought,

A species that has evolved, and constantly sought.


And just like a speck of dust fused with earth,

We too, are part of this planet's birth,

Connected to all living things around,

A vital part of nature's profound.


But what of our entering and leaving this world?

Like a fly that appears, and quickly unfurls,

Our time is brief, but the impact we make,

Can leave a legacy, that forever stays.


So let us evolve, not just in body and mind,

But in spirit and soul, that forever bind,

Us to this world, and all that it contains,

A journey of evolution, that forever remains.


The religious offer promises grand,

A path to salvation, a divine hand,

But in a world that's tricked out for you,

Beware of what the wise-shun, lest you be fooled too.


Many like you have come and gone,

Their promises lost, their legacy unknown,

So snatch your share of life's bounty,

Before the reaper comes, and claims his duty.


For time is fleeting, and life is brief,

A moment in the grand scheme of belief,

But it's the choices we make, and the promises we keep,

That determine the legacy, we forever reap.


So heed the warnings, of those who've gone before,

And don't be swayed, by promises galore,

But carve your path, with wisdom and grace,

And leave behind, a legacy of faith and embrace.











The religious offer promises grand,

A path to salvation, a divine hand,

But in a world that's tricked out for you,

Beware of what the wise-shun, lest you be fooled too.


Many like you have come and gone,

Their promises lost, their legacy unknown,

So snatch your share of life's bounty,

Before the reaper comes, and claims his duty.


For time is fleeting, and life is brief,

A moment in the grand scheme of belief,

But it's the choices we make, and the promises we keep,

That determine the legacy, we forever reap.


So heed the warnings, of those who've gone before,

And don't be swayed, by promises galore,

But carve your path, with wisdom and grace,

And leave behind, a legacy of faith and embrace.










Oh wise elder, arise early in the morning light,

And observe that boy sifting the dust so bright,

Teach him to sift with a gentle hand,

And to cherish the treasures of this land.


For in the dust of ages past,

Lies the wisdom that will forever last,

And in the hearts of heroes gone,

Lies the strength to carry on.


So let us sift the dust with care,

And honor the memories that we share,

For the brains of Kaykobad, and the eyes of Parviz,

Are but a glimpse of the glory that our hearts can seize.


Let us cherish each other, like the treasures of old,

And let our love forever unfold,

For in this world, nothing is more dear,

Than the love that we hold so near.


So wise elder, let us heed your advice,

And sift the dust with gentle eyes,

For the beauty of love is all around,

And in our hearts, it can be found.






When the cloud washes the tulip's cheek at Nowruz,

I think of you, my love, and hold you dear,

For just as the tulip blooms so bright,

You light up my world with your love's light.


Get up and make firmly for the wine-cup,

Let us raise a toast to our love, and sup,

For life is fleeting, and time does fly,

And moments like this should never pass us by.


Because this green spot that today is your pleasure-ground,

Is but a temporary stay, a place we've found,

And while we're here, let's love with all our might,

And make each day a celebration of our light.


Tomorrow will all be growing out of your dust,

But our love, my dear, will never rust,

For it is immortal, it will forever last,

Even when our bodies have turned to dust.


So let us dance, and let us sing,

And let our hearts take flight on love's wings,

For in this moment, we are infinite,

And nothing can ever make us quit.



می خور که فلک بهر هلاک من و تو،

قصدی دارد به جانِ پاک من و تو؛

در سبزه نشین و میِ روشن می‌خور؛

کاین سبزه بسی دمد ز خاک من و تو!


Drink wine, my love, since for our destruction

The firmament has its eye on our souls' seduction,

Let us sit where the grass is green and lush,

And savor every sip of this sparkling blush.


For this moment is ours, and ours alone,

Let the worries of the world fade and be gone,

And let our love shine like the starry night,

As we bask in the warmth of each other's light.


The earth may claim us, and our bodies turn to dust,

But our love will endure, unbreakable and just,

So let us cherish this moment, and every moment still,

For in each other's arms, our hearts forever fill.


And as we drink this wine, let us raise a toast,

To love, to life, and to all that we cherish most,

For this green earth, and all that it provides,

Will continue to grow, as long as love resides.


So let us sit and drink, my love, in this moment divine,

And know that our love will forever and always shine,

For though our bodies may be gone, our love will still endure,

Growing stronger with each passing day, forever pure.











 Last night I smashed an earthenware pot on the stones,

A foolish act committed while I was drunk and alone,

But as the pieces scattered at my feet,

The pot's protest echoed, soft and sweet.


"I was like you, you will be like me also",

It whispered, as if to remind me of life's ebb and flow,

And in that moment, I realized the truth,

That life is fleeting, and precious, like the bloom of youth.


And so I turn to you, my love, with a renewed heart,

To cherish each moment we have, and never be apart,

For like the shattered pieces of that pot,

Our lives are fragile, and should never be forgot.


Let us make the most of every single day,

With love and passion guiding our way,

And when our time on this earth is done,

Our love will live on, like the rays of the sun.


So hold me close, my love, and let us vow,

To cherish each moment, and make them count somehow,

For in the end, it is love that truly prevails,

And the memories we create, never to fail.          









In this sphere where we have no abiding place,

Let us embrace love and wine with grace,

For without them, life is incomplete,

A journey incomplete, a defeat.


How long shall we fret over hopes and fears,

As we ponder whether this world is eternal or appears?

For when I am gone, what does it matter,

When my love for you will continue to scatter.


In this fleeting life, love is the only treasure,

That outlasts the passing of time, beyond measure,

So let us hold each other close and tight,

And revel in the beauty of this moment, tonight.


With a glass of wine in hand, let us toast,

To love, to life, to all that we cherish the most,

For when we depart from this earthly plane,

Our love will forever and always remain.


So let us love with all our might and heart,

And never let the fear of loss keep us apart,

For in the end, when all is said and done,

Our love will endure, as bright as the sun.









Get up, my sweetest, it is dawn,

And the world awakens to a brand new morn,

Let us sip our wine and twang our harp,

As we bask in the warmth of love's eternal spark.


For not a soul will remain of those here,

And the passing of time will be forever clear,

But in this moment, let us love with all our might,

And cherish the beauty of this dawning light.


As we sip our wine, and twang our harp,

Let us dance and sing, as our hearts impart,

The beauty of a love that knows no end,

A love that will forever and always blend.


And though those who have gone will not return,

Their memory and love will forever burn,

In our hearts and souls, like an eternal flame,

Guiding us through life, without blame.


So let us love with all our might and heart,

And cherish each other, and never part,

For in this world, nothing is forever,

But our love will endure, beyond measure.









The days of time disdain him who sits in sorrow,

Brooding over the grief of yesterday and tomorrow,

But let us not be weighed down by the passing of the hour,

Instead, let us cherish the present, like a fragrant flower.


Let us drink a glass of wine, to the notes of the harp,

As we revel in the beauty of love's eternal spark,

For life is but a fleeting moment, here and gone,

And our time together is a precious treasure to be won.


Let us dance and sing, in the warm glow of the light,

And let our love soar, like a bird in its flight,

For the days of time may disdain those who sit in sorrow,

But our love will endure, beyond today, beyond tomorrow.


Let us hold each other close, and never let go,

As we sip our wine, and let our hearts overflow,

For the glasses may be smashed upon the rocks,

But our love will remain, unbroken, like the ticking of the clocks.


So let us live in the present, and love with all our might,

As we revel in the beauty of this wondrous sight,

And though time may disdain us, and days may pass us by,

Our love will endure, forever and always, until the end of time.



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