Outline a book about Omar Khayyam - write an Introduction

Omar Khayyam was a Persian polymath of the 11th and 12th centuries who is best known for his poetry and his work on mathematics and astronomy. He was born in Nishapur, Iran, in 1048 and died in 1131.

Khayyam's poetry is known for its wit, wisdom, and beauty. His most famous work is the Rubaiyat, a collection of quatrains that explore themes of love, wine, and the meaning of life. Khayyam's poetry has been translated into many languages and has been enjoyed by readers around the world for centuries.

Khayyam was also a brilliant mathematician and astronomer. He is credited with developing a method for solving cubic equations and with helping to reform the Persian calendar. Khayyam's work in mathematics and astronomy was highly respected by his contemporaries and has had a lasting impact on the development of these sciences.

Omar Khayyam was a remarkable man who made significant contributions to many fields of knowledge. His poetry, mathematics, and astronomy continue to be studied and admired today.

This book will explore the life and work of Omar Khayyam in detail. It will discuss his poetry, his mathematical and astronomical work, and his impact on the world. The book will also include a selection of Khayyam's poetry, translated into English.

Chapter 1: The Life of Omar Khayyam

This chapter will provide a biographical overview of Omar Khayyam's life. It will discuss his early years in Nishapur, his education, his work as a mathematician and astronomer, and his later years.

Chapter 2: The Poetry of Omar Khayyam

This chapter will explore the poetry of Omar Khayyam in detail. It will discuss the themes and style of his poetry, as well as its impact on the world.

Chapter 3: The Mathematics of Omar Khayyam

This chapter will discuss the mathematical work of Omar Khayyam. It will discuss his work on cubic equations, his work on the Persian calendar, and his impact on the development of mathematics.

Chapter 4: The Astronomy of Omar Khayyam

This chapter will discuss the astronomical work of Omar Khayyam. It will discuss his work on the Persian calendar, his work on the solar system, and his impact on the development of astronomy.

Chapter 5: The Legacy of Omar Khayyam

This chapter will discuss the legacy of Omar Khayyam. It will discuss his impact on the world of poetry, mathematics, and astronomy, as well as his enduring popularity.

This book will provide a comprehensive and informative overview of the life and work of Omar Khayyam. It will be a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about this remarkable man.

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Omar Khayyam was born in Nishapur, Iran, in 1048. His father was a tent-maker, but Khayyam showed an early aptitude for mathematics and astronomy. He studied at the madrasah in Nishapur, where he learned Arabic, mathematics, and astronomy.

In 1070, Khayyam moved to Samarkand, where he worked as a mathematician and astronomer at the court of the Seljuk sultan Malik-Shah. He is best known for his work on cubic equations, for which he developed a geometric solution. He also helped to reform the Persian calendar, which is still in use today.

Khayyam was also a poet, and his Rubaiyat is one of the most famous works of Persian literature. His poems are known for their wit, wisdom, and beauty. They explore themes of love, wine, and the meaning of life.

Khayyam died in Nishapur in 1131. He was a brilliant mathematician, astronomer, and poet, and his work has had a lasting impact on the world.

Early life

Omar Khayyam was born in Nishapur, Iran, in 1048. His father was a tent-maker, but Khayyam showed an early aptitude for mathematics and astronomy. He studied at the madrasah in Nishapur, where he learned Arabic, mathematics, and astronomy.

Work at the court of Malik-Shah

In 1070, Khayyam moved to Samarkand, where he worked as a mathematician and astronomer at the court of the Seljuk sultan Malik-Shah. He is best known for his work on cubic equations, for which he developed a geometric solution. He also helped to reform the Persian calendar, which is still in use today.


Khayyam was also a poet, and his Rubaiyat is one of the most famous works of Persian literature. His poems are known for their wit, wisdom, and beauty. They explore themes of love, wine, and the meaning of life.


Khayyam died in Nishapur in 1131. He was a brilliant mathematician, astronomer, and poet, and his work has had a lasting impact on the world.


Omar Khayyam is one of the most famous and celebrated figures in Persian history. His work in mathematics, astronomy, and poetry has had a profound impact on the world. His Rubaiyat is still widely read and enjoyed today, and his mathematical and astronomical work is still studied and admired by scholars.

Khayyam was a true polymath, and his work in many fields has had a lasting impact on the world. He is a true Renaissance man, and his work continues to inspire and amaze people centuries after his death.

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Omar Khayyam was a Persian polymath of the 11th and 12th centuries who is best known for his poetry and his work on mathematics and astronomy. He was born in Nishapur, Iran, in 1048 and died in 1131.

Khayyam's poetry is known for its wit, wisdom, and beauty. His most famous work is the Rubaiyat, a collection of quatrains that explore themes of love, wine, and the meaning of life. Khayyam's poetry has been translated into many languages and has been enjoyed by readers around the world for centuries.

Khayyam was also a brilliant mathematician and astronomer. He is credited with developing a method for solving cubic equations and with helping to reform the Persian calendar. Khayyam's work in mathematics and astronomy was highly respected by his contemporaries and has had a lasting impact on the development of these sciences.

Omar Khayyam was a remarkable man who made significant contributions to many fields of knowledge. His poetry, mathematics, and astronomy continue to be studied and admired today.

The Rubaiyat

The Rubaiyat is a collection of quatrains, or four-line poems, that explore themes of love, wine, and the meaning of life. Khayyam's poems are known for their wit, wisdom, and beauty. They are often philosophical, exploring the nature of reality and the search for meaning in life. Khayyam's poems are also often hedonistic, celebrating the pleasures of wine and love.

The Rubaiyat has been translated into many languages and has been enjoyed by readers around the world for centuries. It is one of the most famous works of Persian literature.

Themes in the Rubaiyat

The Rubaiyat explores a wide range of themes, including love, wine, the meaning of life, and the nature of reality. Some of the most common themes in the Rubaiyat include:

  • The transience of life: Khayyam often writes about the fleeting nature of life and the inevitability of death. He urges his readers to make the most of life and to enjoy the pleasures of the present moment.
  • The search for meaning: Khayyam is also concerned with the search for meaning in life. He questions the existence of God and the afterlife, and he explores the nature of good and evil.
  • The importance of love: Khayyam believes that love is one of the most important things in life. He writes about the joys and sorrows of love, and he celebrates the power of love to transform lives.
  • The pleasures of wine: Khayyam was a lover of wine, and he often writes about the pleasures of drinking. He believes that wine can help people to forget their troubles and to enjoy the present moment.

Style of the Rubaiyat

The Rubaiyat is written in a simple and direct style. Khayyam's poems are often full of wit and humor, and they are easy to read and understand. However, his poems can also be profound and thought-provoking, and they often leave readers with much to think about.

Impact of the Rubaiyat

The Rubaiyat has had a profound impact on the world. It is one of the most famous works of Persian literature, and it has been translated into many languages. The Rubaiyat has also been the inspiration for many works of art, music, and literature.

The Rubaiyat is a timeless work of literature that continues to be enjoyed by readers around the world. It is a work that is both beautiful and thought-provoking, and it offers a unique perspective on the meaning of life.

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Omar Khayyam was a Persian polymath of the 11th and 12th centuries who is best known for his poetry and his work on mathematics and astronomy. He was born in Nishapur, Iran, in 1048 and died in 1131.

Khayyam was also a brilliant mathematician. He is credited with developing a method for solving cubic equations and with helping to reform the Persian calendar. Khayyam's work in mathematics was highly respected by his contemporaries and has had a lasting impact on the development of this science.


Khayyam's most important mathematical work is his treatise on algebra, entitled "Maqāla fi l-jabr wa l-muqābala" ("Treatise on Algebra and Al-Muqabala"). In this treatise, Khayyam developed a method for solving cubic equations by intersecting conic sections. He also discussed the theory of proportions and the method of false position.

Khayyam's work on algebra was highly influential and helped to lay the foundation for the development of modern algebra. His method for solving cubic equations was later used by other mathematicians, such as Cardano and Tartaglia, to develop their own methods for solving cubic equations.


Khayyam also made significant contributions to geometry. He worked on the problem of trisecting the general angle, and he also studied the properties of conic sections. Khayyam's work on geometry was highly influential and helped to lay the foundation for the development of modern geometry.

Calendar reform

Khayyam was also involved in calendar reform. He was commissioned by the Seljuk sultan Malik-Shah to reform the Persian calendar. Khayyam's work on the calendar reform was highly successful, and the new calendar, known as the Jalali calendar, is still in use today.


Omar Khayyam was a brilliant mathematician who made significant contributions to the development of algebra, geometry, and calendar reform. His work has had a lasting impact on the development of these sciences. He is one of the most important mathematicians of the Middle Ages, and his work continues to be studied and admired by mathematicians today.

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Omar Khayyam was a Persian polymath of the 11th and 12th centuries who is best known for his poetry and his work on mathematics and astronomy. He was born in Nishapur, Iran, in 1048 and died in 1131.

Khayyam was also a brilliant astronomer. He is credited with developing a method for solving cubic equations and with helping to reform the Persian calendar. Khayyam's work in astronomy was highly respected by his contemporaries and has had a lasting impact on the development of this science.

The Solar System

Khayyam was interested in the solar system and studied the motions of the planets. He made observations of the Sun and Moon and calculated their positions. Khayyam also studied the motions of the planets and calculated their orbits.

The Calendar

Khayyam was also interested in the calendar and worked on reforming the Persian calendar. He was commissioned by the Seljuk sultan Malik-Shah to reform the calendar. Khayyam's work on the calendar reform was highly successful, and the new calendar, known as the Jalali calendar, is still in use today.

The Earth's Rotation

Khayyam was also interested in the Earth's rotation and calculated the length of the day. He also calculated the Earth's circumference. Khayyam's work on the Earth's rotation and circumference was highly accurate and was used by other astronomers and mathematicians.


Omar Khayyam was a brilliant astronomer who made significant contributions to the development of astronomy. His work has had a lasting impact on the development of this science. He is one of the most important astronomers of the Middle Ages, and his work continues to be studied and admired by astronomers today.


Omar Khayyam was a brilliant polymath who made significant contributions to many fields of knowledge, including mathematics, astronomy, and poetry. His work has had a lasting impact on the development of these sciences and continues to be studied and admired today.

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Omar Khayyam was a brilliant polymath who made significant contributions to many fields of knowledge, including mathematics, astronomy, and poetry. His work has had a lasting impact on the development of these sciences and continues to be studied and admired today.

Omar Khayyam was born in Nishapur, Iran, in 1048. He showed an early aptitude for mathematics and astronomy, and he studied at the madrasah in Nishapur. In 1070, he moved to Samarkand, where he worked as a mathematician and astronomer at the court of the Seljuk sultan Malik-Shah. He is best known for his work on cubic equations, for which he developed a geometric solution. He also helped to reform the Persian calendar, which is still in use today.

Khayyam was also a poet, and his Rubaiyat is one of the most famous works of Persian literature. His poems are known for their wit, wisdom, and beauty. They explore themes of love, wine, and the meaning of life.

Khayyam died in Nishapur in 1131. He was a brilliant mathematician, astronomer, and poet, and his work has had a lasting impact on the world.

The legacy of Omar Khayyam is immense. He is considered one of the greatest mathematicians of all time, and his work on cubic equations was highly influential. His work on astronomy was also highly respected, and he helped to reform the Persian calendar. Khayyam's poetry is also highly regarded, and his Rubaiyat is one of the most famous works of Persian literature.

Omar Khayyam was a true polymath, and his work in many fields has had a lasting impact on the world. He is a true Renaissance man, and his work continues to inspire and amaze people centuries after his death.

Here are some of the ways that Omar Khayyam's legacy lives on today:

  • His work on cubic equations is still studied by mathematicians today.
  • His work on astronomy helped to lay the foundation for the development of modern astronomy.
  • His poetry is still widely read and enjoyed by people around the world.
  • His name is used in popular culture, such as in the movie "The Crusades" and the song "Omar Khayyam" by the band Dead Can Dance.

Omar Khayyam was a brilliant man who made significant contributions to many fields of knowledge. His work has had a lasting impact on the world, and his legacy continues to live on today.

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There is no complete list of Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam as the original text was lost and only fragments of it have survived. However, many translations and adaptations of the Rubaiyat have been made over the years, and these provide a good overview of Khayyam's poetry.

One of the most famous translations of the Rubaiyat is by Edward FitzGerald, who published his version in 1859. FitzGerald's translation was very popular and helped to introduce Khayyam's poetry to a wider audience. However, it is important to note that FitzGerald's translation is not a literal translation of the original text. Rather, it is an adaptation that reflects FitzGerald's own interpretation of Khayyam's poetry.

Another famous translation of the Rubaiyat is by Peter Avery, who published his version in 1979. Avery's translation is more literal than FitzGerald's, but it is also more difficult to read.

There are also many other translations and adaptations of the Rubaiyat available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. If you are interested in reading Khayyam's poetry, it is a good idea to read several different translations and adaptations to get a sense of the different ways that his poetry can be interpreted.

Here is one of the most famous quatrains from the Rubaiyat, translated by Edward FitzGerald:

"Wake! for the Sun is risen, and the gay birds sing, The flowers lift up their heads, and the fresh air blows. The day is come, and all the world is gay, Excepting me, poor fool, who long for thee."

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