آورد به اِضطرارم اوّل به وجود،

جز حیرتم از حیات چیزی نفزود،

رفتیم به اِکراه و ندانیم چه بود

زین آمدن و بودن و رفتن مقصود!

Here is the translation of the poem "آورد به اضطرارم اوّل به وجود" by Omar Khayyam:

He first brought me into existence by compulsion, He gave me nothing but wonder at life, We went by compulsion and do not know what was The purpose of this coming and being and going!

This poem is a reflection on the mystery of existence and the purpose of life. The speaker, who is feeling compelled to exist, wonders why they were created. They do not know the purpose of their existence, or why they were given such wonder at life.

The first line, "آورد به اضطرارم اوّل به وجود," means "He first brought me into existence by compulsion." The word "آورد" means "brought," "به اضطرارم" means "by compulsion," and "وجود" means "existence."

The second line, "جز حیرتم از حیات چیزی نفزود," means "He gave me nothing but wonder at life." The word "جز" means "except," "حیرت" means "wonder," "از" means "from," and "حیات" means "life."

The third line, "رفتیم به اِکراه و ندانیم چه بود" means "We went by compulsion and do not know what was." The word "رفتیم" means "went," "به اِکراه" means "by compulsion," and "ندانیم" means "do not know."

The fourth line, "زین آمدن و بودن و رفتن مقصود!" means "The purpose of this coming and being and going!" The word "زین" means "from this," "آمدن" means "coming," "بودن" means "being," and "رفتن" means "going."

This poem is a reminder that the meaning of life is a mystery. We may be compelled to exist, but we may never know why we were created.

Here is a more literal translation of the poem:

He first brought me into existence against my will, He gave me nothing but wonder at life, We went against our will and do not know what was The purpose of this coming and being and going!

This translation is more literal because it follows the word order of the original Persian poem more closely. However, it may not be as clear or easy to understand as the more interpretive translation above.


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