قرآن که مهین کلام خوانند آن را

گهگاه نه بر دوام خوانند آن را

بر گرد پیاله آیتی هست مقیم

کاندر همه جا مدام خوانند آن را

The Quran, which they call the noblest speech, Is not read often or permanently. There is a verse that is permanent around the cup, Which is read constantly everywhere.

The poem is a criticism of the hypocrisy of religious people. Omar Khayyam - The speaker points out that the Quran, which is considered to be the word of God, is not read often or with any real understanding. However, the verse around the cup, which is a reference to the drinking of wine, is read constantly and with great enthusiasm.

The first line, "قرآن که مهین کلام خوانند آن را," means "The Quran, which they call the noblest speech." This line sets the stage for the poem by establishing the Quran as a sacred text.

The second line, "گهگاه نه بر دوام خوانند آن را," means "Is not read often or permanently." This line suggests that the Quran is not given the attention or respect that it deserves.

The third line, "بر گرد پیاله آیتی هست مقیم،" means "There is a verse that is permanent around the cup." This line introduces the contrast between the Quran and the verse around the cup.

The fourth line, "کاندر همه جا مدام خوانند آن را," means "Which is read constantly everywhere." This line suggests that the verse around the cup is more popular and important than the Quran.

In conclusion, the poem is a criticism of the hypocrisy of religious people. The speaker suggests that people are more interested in the pleasures of the world than in the teachings of their religion.


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