Evolution of Far-right in America

Far-right ideology in America has undergone significant shifts and transformations over the years. Let’s explore its evolution:

Historical Roots:

The far-right ideology has deep historical roots, with some of its origins tracing back to the Confederate side during the US Civil War (1861-1865). These groups emerged from the defeated Confederate forces and held extreme views related to race, ethnicity, and nationalism 1.

During the early 20th century, far-right movements gained prominence in Europe, including fascism, Nazism, and Falangism. These ideologies influenced far-right thought in America as well.

Organicism and Exclusivity:

The core of far-right worldview revolves around organicism—the belief that society functions as a complete, organized, and homogeneous living entity. Far-right adherents idealize a “we” (their community) while excluding a “they” (outsiders).

They absolutize differences between nations, races, and cultures, rejecting universalism in favor of a closed, naturally organized society. Their goal is to reconnect with a quasi-eternal nature and establish firm metaphysical foundations.

Contemporary Far-Right Movements:

In the United States, the terms “extreme right,” “far-right,” and “ultra-right” describe various manifestations of far-right ideologies.

These ideologies include:

Christian Identity: A racialized form of far-right extremism.

Neo-fascism and neo-Nazism: Modern incarnations of historical fascist and Nazi ideologies.

Alt-right: A loosely defined movement characterized by white nationalism, anti-immigrant sentiments, and opposition to political correctness.

Racial supremacism: Advocacy for the superiority of one race over others.

Ethnocentric nationalism: Prioritizing the interests of a specific ethnic group.

Authoritarianism: A common feature across far-right ideologies.

Challenges and Violence:

Far-right politics have led to oppression, political violence, forced assimilation, ethnic cleansing, and even genocide against groups perceived as inferior or threatening to the dominant culture.

Recent incidents, such as the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally in 2017 and the Pittsburgh synagogue attack in 2018, highlight the growing influence of far-right extremism in the United States .

In summary, far-right ideology in America has evolved from historical roots to encompass a range of extremist views, often characterized by nativism, authoritarianism, and exclusionary beliefs. Understanding this evolution is crucial for addressing its impact on society and promoting tolerance and inclusivity.


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