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  Promoting Peace in a Turbulent World: Strategies to Resolve Political Conflicts In today’s world, political conflicts are rampant, causing immense human suffering and destabilizing entire regions. From the ongoing war in Ukraine to the enduring Israel-Palestine conflict, the need for effective conflict resolution strategies has never been more urgent. This essay explores various approaches to mitigate and ultimately resolve political conflicts, emphasizing diplomacy, economic development, and international cooperation. Diplomacy and Dialogue Diplomacy remains one of the most potent tools for conflict resolution. Engaging in open, honest dialogue allows conflicting parties to understand each other’s perspectives and grievances. The United Nations (UN) plays a crucial role in facilitating such dialogues. The UN Security Council, for instance, can call upon parties to settle disputes through peaceful means and recommend methods of adjustment or terms of settlement 1 . Additional


Impact of SuperAI on Job Market


Let’s start alphabetically with agriculture. Agriculture is already getting benefits from AI machines in the form of satellite and drone imagery to monitor crop health, predicting the appropriate use of fertilizers and pesticides. This has made a revolutionary improvement in farming and agriculture as a whole by reducing the dependence on unpredictable natural patterns and calamities. These predictions, followed with mitigations, have made agriculture a lot more resilient and efficient. Robots are used for handling repetitive tasks such as planting, weeding, harvesting, etc., thereby reducing human dependence on farm animals and making these tasks scalable and fast. SuperAI applied in agriculture (let’s call is SuperAgriAI) can tie up the remaining loose ends with these operations where humans are involved, such as analyzing the data and recommending and then deciding which action to take. Managing communication and business operations can also be automated with SuperAgriAI. It would further improve the precision in agricultural techniques, optimizing the crop yields and reducing other costs. Integrating and automating the communication between all these separate entities would leave precious little work for the farmers to the point of making their existence almost redundant. Imagine a scenario where robots are working in the field, doing all the farming operations as directed by the central computer, a part of SuperAgriAI. This SuperAgriAI has access to satellite images as well as control of a group of drones to obtain all the details about the health of the crop and surrounding environment. The SuperAgriAI knows all the details about the soil and weather patterns for the given area, chooses the best category of crops to plant, and employs the robots that are doing all the necessary operations such as watering and application of pesticides, etc. at precisely the right time in precisely the right amount. All the robots are also equipped with sensors to detect any malfunction, and SuperAgriAI can work out the necessary maintenance schedules for them to keep them operating optimally. SuperAgriAI communicates with the other businesses that provide all the necessary goods and makes the financial transactions as needed, ultimately keeping the entire platform of food production operating flawlessly end to end. In the same way, this SuperAgriAI can control livestock management with robots that are specialized for that work. With all the modern handling of farm animals, we are treating them as commodities anyway, so their complete management through SuperAgriAI would be a natural culmination of modernization. The same concept can be applied to fishing. SuperAgriAI can control fully automated vessels carrying all the fishing equipment along with various types of sensing equipment such as radar and sonar for locating the ideal place to fish. SuperAgriAI can apply the fishing nets with pinpoint accuracy to catch only the desired amounts of fish without inflicting any collateral damage. With continuous feed from the weather system, it would also choose the best times to send the vessel. Being operated strictly by robots, there is no need to account for time of the day or track the holiday schedule or even plan for any meal breaks. Fisherman’s days are numbered as well. This still leaves people like horticulturalists or fishery biologists who are doing research with crops and plants and fishes, etc. In the near term, their jobs seem to be fairly secure. It is quite an open-ended job that tracks the current operations of agriculture and fishing, essentially getting all the inputs from SuperAgriAI and trying to find ways to do better. Another related job area is that of forestry. Foresters are professionals who manage forests. They use their knowledge of forest ecology, wildlife biology, and forestry practices to plan and implement projects that protect, secure, and manage forests. A majority of their field work can be taken up by robots and SuperAgriAI, leaving a small chunk of jobs that strictly focus on research. Landscapers use their expertise in plants to create innovative and beautiful landscapes. Considering SuperAgriAI would have all the necessary knowledge about the plants with robots to do the manual work, landscapers would also need to look elsewhere. However, it would still be an open question as to who would create and manage this SuperAgriAI. Currently the technology required to create SuperAgriAI is only available with top tech companies in Silicon Valley, but the subject matter expertise lies with other agricultural companies. Whoever takes the first step is likely going to get a head start. Business is an extremely broad category that likely provides the most jobs in the modern world. In its overarching sense, all the categories can be grouped under business, but we will look at it from a narrower interpretation to separate different fields for dedicated evaluation.  

From a financial perspective, SuperAI in business (let’s call it SuperBizAI) is going to provide a plethora of tools to manage the accounting and payrolls type functions. Let’s look at the top job profiles in this area. Accountants are responsible for creating and maintaining the financial records of a company. They also prepare financial statements and track income and expenses. There can be accounts specialized in subareas such as audit, tax, and financial planning. The entire profile of accounts can be fully automated with SuperBizAI with very little risk. It is only matter of current accounting applications to mature to the level that big organizations can trust them with full responsibility. Again, the tech giants have a huge head start in this area as well. Other than accountants, there are roles such as auditors, payroll clerks, tax preparers, etc. and these roles are also on the path to becoming extinct with SuperBizAI ready to replace. Banking is another prominent area in the business domain. Key operations that are involved in banking include customer service, financial and investment consulting and transactions, credit and risk management. ATMs or automated teller machines were the first entry of machines into this area, and they have already reduced the workforce required for managing basic “teller” type of activities. SuperBizAI can take it a step further by providing automated experiences for human-like interactive customer service. This has been a huge bottleneck in recent years where the pre-programmed automated bots are extremely limited in functionality and can annoy customers more than helping them. ChatGPT like interfaces can change the landscape drastically. The algorithms provided by SuperBizAI can tackle even more advanced banking activities such as loan and mortgage consulting, investment consulting. SuperBizAI can easily personalize all the banking requirements for each individual customer by providing in-home interactive experience. Once realized, it would eliminate the need to have local branches for any bank (only ATMs would need to be placed in strategic locations). The central office can handle the worldwide operations in a fully automated manner. This entire area is now on the verge of extinction from the perspective of job prospects. Along with banking and financial businesses, the other consulting activities are also on track to become obsolete as SuperBizAI with its vast repertoire of knowledge of laws and rules and past events can provide personalized consultations, analyses better than any individual. Hierarchy of Roles and People Management in the business domain, there are job profiles based on different industrial sectors and applications, but there are also different job profiles based on the hierarchy of the jobs in a given company. The tree of hierarchy starts from the CEO or president at the top and then goes down to upper-level management to mid- to lower-level management all the way to individual contributors. Each company may have a different relative structure, but the roles of individual contributors and managers are industry standard along with top executives. So far, we have looked at mostly the individual contributor type roles in businesses, where SuperBizAI can play a role, but as we go up the chain of management, there are additional job responsibilities. Mid-level managers certainly need subject matter expertise, but on top of that, it is also important for these roles to have good people management skills. This area has been studied heavily in recent years and there are books that discuss these aspects philosophically as well as based on surveys. One particular book I would like to mention in this context is First break all the rules: What the world’s greatest managers do differently by Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman. The findings in this book are based on one of the largest surveys ever conducted in this area that included real people managers from a variety of different industries. The survey included over 80,000 managers and it was conducted by Gallup. One of the key findings from the survey was that there exists no constant set of golden rules that each manager needs to follow, rather there were entirely contradictory behaviours found in managers that were all extremely successful at their job. Five aspects came out at the top that most successful managers do well: focus on strengths, set clear expectations, create positive work environment, delegate effectively, and hold employees accountable. The job of people management is something that is never associated with machines so far and it was quite appropriate given the limitations of the machines in human-like interactions. However, with SuperBizAI lurking on the horizon, things are quite different now. With such extensive studies stating the top targets for mid-level managers, SuperBizAI can tackle this task and likely tackle it like no human can ever dream to. When SuperBizAI takes the role of a mid-level manager, the issue of subject matter expertise is automatically taken care of. Another and even more critical advantage is that SuperBizAI does not need to be paid like typical managers. It would be purchased as a service by the entire organization with annual fees and those fees would be substantially less than what the organization would have to pay for the management. Now, we need to look at all the tools that SuperBizAI can have at its disposal for people management. It can easily be empowered with continuous monitoring of the employees during work hours. This is something that a human can never have due to obvious invasion of privacy, but machines are not measured with the same standard and monitoring the activities of employees during their work hours by machines is generally not considered as overly intrusive. Already, in many places, there are surveillance cameras tracking employee activities. Some privacy issues can be involved in such monitoring in the new hybrid work culture if the work is happening at home, there can be innovative ways to circumvent those. With full information about the employees’ active work and the results that they have produced, SuperBizAI can make an impartial and unbiased evaluation of the employees quite likely far more accurately than any human. Historical data around the working hours and results produced from employees can easily be used to identify their strengths and weaknesses, enabling the SuperBizAI to set the right expectations for the future and also delegate the work optimally. The monitoring would also help in identifying any roadblocks encountered by the employees in real time and immediate action could be taken to mitigate them. Identification of strengths and weaknesses coupled with aspirations of the employees around their future career can help provide customized recommendations to them on what can be improved/changed. Even the most capable and successful managers are still humans and are prone to unconscious biases that are inevitable when dealing with all the reporting employees, meaning they cannot treat all the employees equally or fairly. However, this is not true for machines. With the possible lack of any type of unconscious biases, they can provide 161 perfectly objective treatments to all the employees. This inherent fairness in the operation of machines would automatically cultivate a strong positive atmosphere in the team. One need not do anything to please their manager. One need not worry about truly expressing oneself about creating any conflict. All one needs to do is complete the job that is given, and there would be assurance that they will be rewarded solely based on that. Furthermore, SuperBizAI can operate in parallel and can be omnipresent, thereby making itself available to all the reporting employees all the time. This would inculcate a strong sense of caring in the minds of the employees and also enable even more flexible working hours. Typically, all the mid-level managers reach this level by first being in the role of individual contributors. So, as they are leading a team, the company as such is losing that particular individual resource from the perspective of the work they can do as an individual contributor. Thus, completely eliminating the mid-level management through extensive use of SuperBizAI can provide a win-win situation for all the companies. The experienced individuals can continue to grow in their career and be more impactful in the decision-making process and leading the projects, but people management aspect can be left for SuperBizAI. There are other more social aspects to the people management such as coaching and mentoring. However, they can be handled independently with either SuperBizAI or some dedicated personnel as needed that are either subject matter experts or experts in psychology. Another task that also falls in the buckets of mid-level management is planning. Planning for short- and long-term goals as per the direction the overall organization is moving toward. In this task, SuperBizAI can potentially generate a list of options that can get augmented and voted on by the senior people in the team to finalize the plan. Building mature software that can take up roles of mid-level management seems like a nascent area for new startups at the time of writing this book. Once again, all the tech giants can have a head start in this matter as they already have a multitude of existing positions that they can replace and a deep know-how in software development. It is important to note that there can be a strong potential pushback against this in the early stages from all the existing mid-level managers that each organization would have to work out in their own way. This can actually help the upcoming startups to take a lead. As the application matures, it can work its way up the chain in the management, leading to top-level management as well. However, replacing the personnel at the top is an entirely new concept and can be further along the road. Chief executives of an organization are the primary decision-makers with respect to the direction the entire organization is going to move forward and as such is not a very directly replaceable attribute for the SuperBizAI. However, there are still some pros to consider. For example, being true to company mission and vision all the time may not be possible for humans. Even these executives are humans, and they are prone to human weaknesses, such as

(1) overconfidence: Top executives might become overly confident in their decisions and strategies, leading them to underestimate risks and make hasty choices without properly assessing potential drawbacks.

(2) Confirmation Bias: Top executives may seek out information that confirms their existing beliefs and opinions, disregarding contradictory data. This bias can lead to poor decision-making and missed opportunities.

(3) Lack of Adaptability: In a rapidly changing business environment, executives who are resistant to change or new ideas might find it challenging to adapt their strategies to evolving circumstances.

(4) Overlooking Ethics and Compliance: A lack of attention to ethical considerations and regulatory compliance can lead to reputational damage, legal issues, and decreased stakeholder trust.

(5) Difficulty with Feedback: Top executives who are not open to constructive criticism and feedback may miss opportunities for improvement and fail to address organizational issues.

(6) Poor Communication Skills: Ineffective communication can hinder top executives’ ability to convey their vision, motivate employees, and align the organization toward common goals.

(7) Burnout and Stress: Top executives often face high levels of stress and pressure, and if not managed properly, this can lead to burnout and impact decision[1]making.

(8) Hubris: An excessive ego or sense of entitlement can lead to decisions that prioritize personal interests over the well-being of the organization and its stakeholders.

(9) Groupthink: Top executives who surround themselves with like-minded individuals and discourage conflicting opinions can create an environment of groupthink, which limits creativity and innovation.

(10) Failure to Empower Employees: Top executives who do not empower and support their employees may stifle initiative and prevent the organization from harnessing its full potential.

Each and every aspect of these weaknesses can be categorically avoided with proper configuration of the SuperBizAI that is going to replace the top executives in an organization. On top of that, all the most senior people in the company can participate in voting on the key decisions whose options would be curated by SuperBizAI. The voting can also be opened to all the employees of the company or even to all the stockholders of the company with adaptive weighting of the votes to truly create a transparent atmosphere and give a real sense of involvement to all the employees and stockholders in the company operations. Especially for the large publicly traded companies, from the stockholders’ perspective, a CEO or any top executive should be entirely focused on the betterment and growth of the company all the time even during their off-work activities, which may not be humanly possible. However, SuperBizAI does not have such limitations. The process of replacing the management chain can begin at the bottom and as the process matures, it can grow all the way till all the managers are replaced with SuperBizAI all the way to the CEO. All the humans would serve as individual contributors, with appropriate levels of seniority. Humans can now relinquish the aspects that contradict with their personality and stay free to live their non-work life the way they want in a true sense. Even the most senior personnel need not worry about the public image, as that part would be left for SuperBizAI, and which can provide an exemplary performance in that role. Impact on Jobs with Varied Skill Levels Moving to specific roles of individual contributors, they can vary from less skilled and labour-intensive factory workers to highly skilled workers such as actuaries, pharmacists, lawyers, software engineers, scientists, and doctors. The numbers of most labour-intensive jobs in engineering and construction industry have already been reduced with heavy use of robotic machines. Imagine a construction site for building a high riser. In the early days of automation, hundreds of individuals would be required to handle numerous labour-intensive jobs at such sites. However, with the availability of heavy machinery such as cranes, excavators, and material handling robots, that number reduced by order of magnitude. Robotic systems can help prefabricate most of the components off-site and assemble them with precision on-site. Addition of computer-assisted 3D printing can create complex architectural elements and building components with far more accuracy with further reduction in semi-skilled workers needed for crafting intricate designs. Use of specialized robotic tools can handle entire demolition jobs, minimizing the workforce and reducing the risk to human workers as well as increasing efficiency. Drones and robotic surveying equipment can collect accurate data on construction sites, eliminating the need for manual surveys and further improving accuracy. Robotic bricklaying systems and concrete pouring pumps can accelerate the other manual steps in construction, further reducing the workforce needed. With remote and virtual reality-assisted operations, humans need not even be physically present at the work sites but can stay at their homes or other favorite places and can handle or monitor all the machinery using virtual reality devices. Most of these devices are still classified as traditional AI. With SuperAI powered robots, the requirement for human presence would reduce further, but will likely still not completely vanish in the near term. If traditional AI reduced the workforce from few hundreds to few tens, SuperAI is poised to reduce it to only a handful and that too operating from remote locations. All these improvements are helpful in increasing the efficiency and accuracy of the process and reducing risk and hazards, but they are going to create a huge void in terms of the number of jobs along the way. The landscape of skilled jobs is not much different. Software engineering is a niche and highly skilled type of workforce that grew in the late twentieth century with exponential growth of computers. A software engineer is like any other engineer at its core. All the apps, websites, and programs you use on all the digital devices such as computers, tablets, or smartphones are created by software engineers. Software engineers write the instructions that make these devices and programs work. Think of a software engineer as a builder of digital things. They use special coding languages to write lines of instructions that tell computers what to do. These instructions can make apps, games, websites, and even things like self-driving cars or robots work smoothly. Software engineers need to be good at problem-solving, logical thinking, and paying attention to details just like a mechanical or civil engineer. Their job involves a lot of creativity too. They figure out how to make things user-friendly, so you can easily navigate through apps and websites. They also make sure everything is secure, so your personal information stays safe while you’re using technology. However, with the growth of ChatGPT-like SuperAI interfaces that can understand human language, the need for software engineering is staged to decline dramatically. Anyone can explain what a piece of software should do in plain English.

If SuperAI can directly translate these instructions from plain English into computer code, it would grab a critical chunk of responsibility from software engineers. In principle, a system equipped with such interface can even perform end-to-end operations in the lifecycle of software development from writing and testing the machine code, deploying the application on any desired platform such as PC, Mobile phone, etc., in full automated fashion, eliminating the need of software engineers. It might take a decade or two for the SuperAI technology to reach this level of automation, but the days of software engineers and their niche job profiles are numbered. Let’s imagine a scenario when SuperAI has completely taken over software engineering. The Kudos Café One Friday evening in the year 2028, Sophie and Lauren are having a cup of coffee at their favorite place in downtown Denver, “The Kudos Café.” They had been very close friends since their childhood and even after their paths diverted into quite disparate careers – Sophie in technology and Lauren in wildlife conservation – they kept in touch. Their monthly meetups at the Café were sacred, an oasis of laughter, deep conversations, and shared dreams. Today’s evening held a bittersweet air. Sophie had just taken up an offer for a new job in France. While the excitement of a new beginning bubbled within her, there was also the pang of leaving behind her monthly tradition with Lauren. She stirred her coffee, the steam carrying up her mixed emotions. “You know, I always imagined us growing old together in Denver, sitting here and complaining about arthritis while sipping our decaf,” Lauren joked, trying to lighten the mood. Sophie chuckled, “And grumbling about how the young generation doesn’t appreciate a good, old-fashioned coffee chat.” They both laughed, but the silence that followed was heavy. Lauren broke it by pushing a napkin toward Sophie. On it, she had sketched an app’s interface. “Remember our dream of creating something together? Why not now? A location-based social network where people can ask questions about new places they move to or travel. You’ll have first-hand experience in France, won’t you?” Sophie looked at the drawing, her eyes lighting up. “Like, ‘Where’s the nearest vegan restaurant?’ or ‘Is there a hiking group in this town?’ And locals could answer in real-time?” “Exactly! And every helpful answer earns them kudos. Maybe they can even redeem them at cafes like this one, all around the world.” Lauren beamed. Sophie’s mind raced. “And we could call it ‘Locale’, emphasizing local knowledge and experience.” The two spent hours discussing the potential app, energized by the idea. It was the perfect blend of their interests – technology and community – building for Sophie, and local ecosystems and culture for Lauren. As they were engrossed in the discussion, the microphone on their table beeped. Lauren and Sophia had missed the news that the Kudos Café had been recently upgraded with a new SuperAI functionality of real time software deployment. The SuperAI bot responded from the microphone, “I have understood your requirements for the social app and if you like, I can create the real version for you. It would be $250.” Lauren couldn’t quite believe what she was listening to and was in a state of awe, while Sophie was bursting with excitement. Sophie responded right away, “Thank you for the offer. We would like to order it.” Lauren was still not completely back into reality of what was really happening. The SuperAI bot responded, “Thank you! We have charged your card on file. We are building and deploying your app on our servers, and it will be ready for download in a few minutes.” Then a circle was flashing different colors as SuperAI was building and deploying the app. In just a couple minutes, there was a QR code displayed on the screen and the bot responded, “Please scan the QR code to download the app.” Sophie and Lauren downloaded the app onto their phones and were able to start asking questions. The SuperAI 167 bot responded, “We are going to make the app available for all our visitors worldwide and in few days, you can expect to have more engagement.” Before they knew it, the café was preparing to close. The two friends left, not with heavy hearts, but with the satisfaction of making a shared dream true. They might not be in the same city, but they would be connected more than ever through their shared venture. Months turned into years, and ‘Locale’ became a sensation worldwide. Every time someone earned ‘kudos’ on the app, Sophie and Lauren would remember that bittersweet evening at “The Kudos Café,” grateful for the beginning that sprouted from the goodbyes. Achieving the capability to replace skilled jobs like software engineering will be a crowning achievement for SuperAI. Things are somewhat similar on the hardware side as well. We are approaching the theoretical limits of semiconductor chip manufacturing technology and we will reach it in under a decade from 2020. There are multiple factors to consider where SuperAI can start replacing humans.

(1) Design: SuperAI algorithms can be used to assist in the design of chips, especially in optimizing chip layouts. For instance, Google already proved it by using AI in their design of tensor processing units, which was completed significantly faster than the time typically taken by humans.

(2) Predictive Maintenance: SuperAI can predict when machinery used in the manufacturing processes is likely to fail or need maintenance, reducing downtime.

(3) Process Optimization: SuperAI can optimize manufacturing parameters in real time to enhance yield, reduce waste, and adapt to changing conditions or materials.

(4) Quality Control: Automated visual inspection systems powered by SuperAI can quickly and accurately detect defects in chips, often faster and more reliably than human inspectors.

(5) Supply Chain Management: SuperAI can optimize logistics, predict supply chain interruptions, and ensure the timely delivery of raw materials. In spite of these heavy-hitting improvements, there are still some limitations in the form of complexity and infrastructure.

The chip manufacturing process, especially for advanced chips with nanometre-scale features, is incredibly intricate. Ensuring the necessary precision, cleanliness, and consistency in manufacturing processes may still require human oversight. While SuperAI can handle a lot of tasks, strategic decisions, unexpected challenges, and certain complex problem-solving scenarios might still require human intervention. Replacing existing systems and machinery with SuperAI-powered alternatives would require massive investments and would be done incrementally. Even if SuperAI systems were introduced, humans would still likely monitor them to ensure that no catastrophic failures happen, especially in the initial phases. Thus, while SuperAI can and likely will play an increasingly central role in chip manufacturing, the idea of it “completely” taking over might take some time. Legal Matters Moving on to the other highly skilled areas of law, the role of lawyers or attorneys is another endangered species in the job market. Legal research is a key aspect of lawyers’ work and SuperAI (Let’s call this entity as SuperLegalAI) would be adept at it at the get go through its vast databases of legal documents, cases statutes, as well as capabilities of identifying relevant precedents and laws better than most humans. SuperLegalAI can also review the contracts to identify any clauses that are unusual, missing, or risky. This can be especially useful in due diligence during mergers and acquisitions. In litigation, the discovery process often involves reviewing large volumes of documents to determine what’s relevant to a case. SuperLegalAI can automate this process, identifying and categorizing documents based on their relevance with ease. SuperLegalAI can also analyze past case outcomes, judicial rulings, and other data to predict future legal outcomes. This can help with advising the clients and shaping their strategies, with no need for human intervention. Automating administrative tasks such as scheduling, billing, etc. is another built-in capability with SuperLegalAI where humans cannot compete. For simple legal services and advice, SuperLegalAI can replace humans with the help of advanced chatbots with practically unlimited availability. SuperLegalAI can also help with sentencing based on analysis of historical cases with a promise of being completely impartial. The real hurdle in achieving this would lie primarily in reaching the trust levels that currently experienced lawyers enjoy along with archaic regulations and acceptance criteria. In the legal field, taking responsibility for actions is a critical aspect, and current tech companies who would likely produce the software for 169 SuperLegalAI are likely not going to take that for the results provided by their software. However, it is a great opportunity for startups to leverage natural language processing (NLP) technology of AI and complement it with subject matter expertise of top lawyers to provide an entirely automated legal service to thousands of people. These systems will take responsibility for the legal actions and recommendations provided by them and truly replace the lawyers. Only a handful of lawyers would be needed at the top to fine-tune the system, but the overall workforce needed would practically just evaporate. Along with lawyers, there are many other roles in the legal sector, but we can focus on couple of key professions other than lawyer or attorney: paralegal and judge. Paralegal personnel represent a significant portion in the legal jobs. They primarily focus on assisting lawyers in their work, which can include conducting legal research, drafting documents, organizing files, maintaining records, etc. SuperLegalAI seems to possess the expertise in all these areas by design and equipped with natural language interface, it is ready to replace paralegals right away. The role of judges is at the center of the legal system and is quite critical. Now we shall look at the key responsibilities that fall on to a Judge and how SuperLegalAI can help in each case:

(1) Adjudication: Judges are required to hear and decide cases impartially brought before their courts. This involves listening to arguments from both sides, evaluating evidence, and applying the relevant laws to the facts of the case. SuperLegalAI in theory can carry out this task, but the extremely verbose and nuanced nature of language used in legal proceedings and the capability of SuperLegalAI would have to be tested thoroughly before declaring it as a replacement for a human Judge. However, of all the cases presented in front of the judges, a large percentage can be fairly routine and, in such cases, time from human judges can be spared and SuperLegalAI can take their place. In general, SuperLegalAI appears to be ready to downsize the number of judges required in the near future, and drastically reduce them as the technology matures and develops sufficient trust.

(2) Interpretation of Laws: One of the primary roles of a judge is to interpret and apply laws, regulations, and precedents. In some cases, judges may determine the constitutionality of a law. This area appears to be quite challenging for SuperLegalAI; at least in the near future, we may have to stay with human judges.

(3) Ensure Fair Proceedings: Judges are responsible for ensuring that courtroom proceedings are conducted fairly and that the rights of all parties involved are respected. This includes maintaining order in the courtroom. This area is a good candidate to be handed over to SuperLegalAI, as it involves applying standard rules of fairness, and established procedures. However, there could be tricky situations arising from time to time where a human judge may need to step in.

(4) Ruling on Motions: Throughout the litigation process, parties may file various motions (e.g., motion to dismiss, motion for summary judgment). A judge must rule on these motions based on the law and facts presented. This area involves direct interpretation of law and procedures and SuperLegalAI can step in for addressing most rulings.

(5) Sentencing: In criminal cases, once a defendant has been found guilty, it is usually the judge’s responsibility to determine and impose an appropriate sentence within the guidelines or limits set by law. This is one of the most empowering capabilities of the judge; however, it is also one of the most straightforward when it comes to applying the fair and just interpretation of law and historical case precedents. SuperLegalAI can perform this job quite well and give a break to human judges. The sentencing also involves providing legal explanations of the reasons behind it and SuperLegalAI, equipped with strong natural language capabilities, can handle that part quite well.

(6) Legal Research: Even with their vast knowledge, judges often need to conduct legal research to ensure they’re making informed decisions, especially in complex or novel cases. SuperLegalAI has this capability already covered.

(7) Mentorship: Senior or more experienced judges often mentor newer judges, helping them understand their roles and navigate the complexities of the judiciary. This is a very human-centric responsibility and does not fit within the SuperLegalAI framework.

SuperLegalAI would continuously keep itself updated by adding latest case proceedings to its repertoire, and as such does not need mentorship. At the same time, it may not be a good candidate to mentor human judges as well. Thus overall, it is a mixed bag when it comes to replacing the judges, but as a starting point, SuperLegalAI is definitely equipped with replacing a significant number of judges, keeping only a fraction of judges to facilitate the relatively novel situations and to train the SuperLegalAI system itself for maintaining its accuracy and precision. Education is yet another area that is ripe to see profound impact with AI. The traditional learning systems where students go to schools and the teachers teach them various subjects using blackboard or whiteboard is already becoming outdated with the encroachment of computer technology. Not too long ago, the entire teaching experience in a class used to be led by the teacher single-handedly. The teacher would write or draw on a board, would explain things orally or read from a book and that was everything. Now, with availability of screens and Internet in class, teachers can pull up images from the Internet to explain things, they can even pull up some videos or documentaries that are available on YouTube or other streaming websites to support their teachings. In some cases, they can even relinquish the entire teaching session to some videos pre-recorded in class. With more of such recordings freely available, one might argue whether there is even a need for students to go to school? All they need is a curriculum and a set of videos that explain/teach everything in that curriculum and one can learn everything just sitting at home at whatever pace that is convenient. One can even choose to watch multiple videos on the same topic explained by different teachers to suit their specific learning needs. SuperAI for education or SuperEduAI can automatically understand each student’s specific capabilities and desires using curated tests and create a custom course for their entire education needs. Then the student would go through the learning experience on a day-to-day basis.

SuperEduAI can automatically tweak the course based on the advancement of the student on a periodic basis. All the necessary concepts would be taught with all the necessary visual and auditory aids. For the hands-on experimental work, SuperEduAI can use augmented or virtual reality techniques. It can even simulate other students to give a sense of classroom. It is also possible to let real students interact with each other through virtual reality during the class. With this we can really break the boundaries of region, race, language, country and have a class that is composed of students across the world learning together. In order for the learning to proceed at the optimal pace, it is important to have a group of students with a similar level of intelligence, interests, and knowledge. SuperEduAI can match all the students across the world on these metrics to create an optimal set of classes and provide a perfect learning experience that was never possible before. Such a platform would make pretty much the entire education-related workforce such as academic advisors, librarians, teachers, and professors at all levels, along with all the supporting staff irrelevant. Many online learning platforms are emerging at the time of writing this book, but most of them are still using real teachers. There is a huge opportunity to circumvent this and have a fully automated, SuperEduAI-driven platform that would have no limits on how many students it can support. It would optimize the experience for each student and make it unbiased and interesting at the same time. In order to realize this dream of ultimate unified education platform, there are still a few gaps that need to be filled. The first and foremost is infrastructure development. All the pieces for creating such infrastructure seem to be available as of writing of this book, but an organization with technical know-how or a startup needs to make it a priority to build the end-to-end platform. Then high-speed and reliable Internet needs to be made available across the world along with access to devices that would work on the platform. A secure and scalable cloud infrastructure would power the system from the backend. There are always some ethical concerns around privacy, fairness, transparency, and accountability that would need to be addressed as well. Working in virtual reality may create some emotional stress at times and proper counseling needs to be available on demand. Having all the interactions in the virtual world can create a lack of real physical touch, but that can be addressed by enabling the physical interactions outside of school in the local neighbourhoods as needed. SuperEduAI-powered virtual platforms can proactively address issues like bullying and other facets of face-to-face interactions typically encountered in traditional schools. Engineering We have already looked at the future of software engineering. However, engineering as such is one of the oldest job professions and is quite vast in its scope outside of software engineering, encompassing multiple areas such as civil, mechanical, electrical, electronics and telecommunication, chemical, aerospace, biomedical, petroleum, environmental, nuclear, automotive engineering, to name a few. Civil and mechanical engineering and some of the related areas such as automotive and aerospace engineering focus on design, analysis, manufacturing, and maintenance of physical infrastructure and machines. SuperAI for engineering or SuperEngAI, equipped with chat interface, can understand the needs of customers in plain English and can automate most of these processes based on learnings from historical data and in-built engine for analyzing structural mechanics and database of material properties. SuperEngAI can provide a one[1]stop-shop for all the engineering requirements. Going one step further, SuperEngAI can also perform predictive failure analysis and provide a comprehensive maintenance schedule. With automated communication with robotic machinery, SuperEngAI can implement the designs into real physical artifacts such as construction of bridges, high risers, as well as machines, automobiles, and even aircrafts. Most of the routine jobs for these engineering disciplines are endangered with SuperEngAI likely providing much better service at much lower cost and higher efficiency and precision. Only the cutting-edge aspects of all these engineering areas would still need humans to innovate and build something brand new. In a similar vein, all the other engineering areas, spanning from electrical, electronics and telecommunication, chemical, environmental, would be primarily affected in their routine aspects. All the development that is either established or incremental can be fully automated with SuperEngAI, but all the areas focusing on innovation would stay relevant for humans. Engineering is an area of problem solving at its core, and whenever a problem is encountered that is already solved and as such can be described in full detail, SuperEngAI can implement it end-to-end. However, when the problems are new and as a result, vague and not completely understood, essentially bringing us to the cutting-edge of innovation, human intervention would be irreplaceable. Healthcare and Medicine 174 Healthcare and medicine are critical areas in human life with a plethora of job profiles. These jobs can be broadly classified into these broad categories:

(1) Clinical

(2) Technical and Support

(3) Administrative

(4) R&D

(5) Sales and Customer Service.

Let’s look at them in reverse order. Sales and customer service roles are quite ripe for SuperMedAI where the AI engine can learn from all the documentation on the medicines and pharmaceutical products and use the language-understanding capabilities to learn about the sales goals and customer needs. Then connect with the two pieces of information intelligently to replace the humans for end-to-end operations. R&D of any sort is always going to be a niche area that is safe from SuperAI invasion and it applies even in the healthcare and medicine sector. Administrative area includes roles such as medical secretary, health information manager, healthcare consultant, and general admin. All these roles provide services that are quite routine and require standard subject matter knowledge, which can easily be understood, and services automated by SuperMedAI. It is a matter of time when having an AI interface for such services would be accepted as standard practice. Technical and Support roles are semi-skilled to skilled ones such as medical assistant, pharmacy technician, surgical tech, dental hygienist, paramedic, etc. All the subject matter expertise needed for these roles can be easily made available to SuperMedAI, but most of these jobs require quite intricate and subtle manual operations. Current advancements in robotic automation can take up these operations, but specialized versions of robots would have to be built and certified to be able to fully replace humans. It is definitely a hard reach in the near term, but days of these roles for human operators are numbered nonetheless. Then comes the crux of the area with core clinical roles such as physician or doctor, nurse, dentist, pharmacist, optometrist, physical therapist, radiologist, chiropractor, podiatrist, and so on. Unsurprisingly enough, the bulk of the day-to-day work for most of these roles is rather routine and well established. Typical stages in the operation of these roles include diagnosis of the issue by conversing with the patient and analyzing the results from routine tests, followed by recommendation of the medicines or diet changes or exercises, etc., or recommendation toward another clinical practitioner. Looking at the itemized steps, SuperMedAI can have an engaging conversation with patients to learn their symptoms as well as analyse the results of the routine tests and then use that to correlate with the vast database of past diagnoses along with patient history and come up with appropriate recommendations. Looking at the amount of information available to SuperMedAI and its processing capabilities, it is likely going to outsmart any human in such situations. Meaning SuperMedAI is already poised to provide better diagnostic services than most of the human providers right off the bat. It is only a matter of building the necessary trust with the system when the service can come into operation. There is yet another and rather important aspect to this and is around the malpractice aspects. Ideally, SuperMedAI does not have human weaknesses of bias and unpredictable behaviour, but there is still a finite chance that it can make a mistake, and, in that case, it can create a legal situation. The company that provides this SuperMedAI service would have to establish themselves as the primary responsible party and handle the legal battles. However, it is a small downside compared to the game changing benefits of SuperMedAI. Once established, any individual in the world at any time with access to the Internet and a computer device can have the option to be diagnosed by the best medical practitioner and get treatment recommendations at a very reasonable price point. This system can make almost 99% of the physicians’ job obsolete. Only a handful of experts in each of the fields would have to be employed to manage the capabilities of SuperMedAI and keep it updated with the innovations in medicines and pharmacy as well as updated real diagnoses. Only when an entirely new case arises based on the symptoms and test results a human can intervene and investigate the details. The subsequent treatment options would include either some form of pills or physical therapy. The job of pills dispensing can be easily automated as well and SuperMedAI can automatically ship the necessary medication as part of the online session or send the prescription to the nearest pharmacy for the patient. Physical therapy is something that cannot be done online, but nonetheless the actual process can be automated using robotic machines. Such entirely automated PT facilities can be established at strategic locations across the cities that would get patient prescriptions through SuperMedAI. With biometric identification, the whole end-to[1]end operation could be made paperless and fully automated. The healthcare industry is on the brink of significant transformation in the coming years. However, it may encounter formidable challenges from the present entrenched system, given the extremely high financial stakes involved. Entertainment and Media Another important field that supports a significant pie in the job market is that of media and entertainment. This is also another field that is going to see a paradigm shift with the advent of tools that SuperAI for entertainment or SuperEntAI is going to provide. The human advancement in the field of entertainment and associated areas such as creative and performing arts over the past thousands of years is one of the true incredible achievements of mankind where our abstract thinking and imaginative genius is unleashed in creation of innovative art forms. There may not exist a logic that explains why a painting from Monet is so mesmerizing or a symphonic composition from Mozart is utterly divine, but we just feel it the moment we experience it, and it is applicable universally whether you belong to the same region or not. Same goes for literary works from Leo Tolstoy, William Shakespeare, Dante, Rabindranath Tagore, Kahlil Gibran, and the list goes on and on. However, the answer to the question of whether this talent of creating abstract art forms is exclusive to humans or is it something that machines like SuperEntAI also can learn is going to be crucial in determining the future of this field. The current breed of text generation AI models (first version of ChatGPT) is already creating poems on demand on the topic of your choice and writing essays and plays that have humanlike nuances with a touch of comedy, drama, suspense, and so on. Here is an example of a poem written by ChatGPT (3.5) on the topic of World War II from the perspective of Nazi Germany. Here is a specific prompt I used: “Write a 4-stanza poem on World War II from the perspective of Nazi Germany.” In the heart of Europe, an ember sparked, Nazi Germany rose, ambitions marked. With thundering boots and banners tall, they sought to conquer, to reign over all. Blitzkrieg unleashed, a storm so fast, Nations trembling, futures cast. But heroes arose, their spirits high, to face the darkness, to touch the sky. From Normandy’s shores to Berlin’s fall, The Allies rallied, breaking the wall. Triumphant they stood, united and free, A world reborn from tyranny’s spree. Let history’s echo remind us clear, Of the cost of power, of hate’s fierce sear. In unity and peace, let’s strive to thrive, so liberty and hope forever survive. The AI clearly understands the context of the question and is able to gather key artifacts from the war and combine them in a form that rhymes. It can also sequence the events in chronological order. It starts with pride for Germans, but later, it changes the tone to praise the allies, ending with learnings from the war and hope for a better future. It is definitely a good attempt and can be a good fit with the level of a freshman to sophomore high schooler. Here is another example of the poem created by the next generation of ChatGPT, powered by version 4.0. Treading upon a dream, in shadows we stood, A vision of power, misunderstood. With eagles and swastikas, we rose to the fore, believing in destiny, a world to restore. Iron and steel, in battle arrayed, A continent consumed, as pawns we played. Drenched in ambition, our spirits did soar, blinded by fervour, we knew not the score. Fields of fire, skies dark with strife, In search of a New Order, countless lost life. Yet whispers of doubt began to unfurl, As the weight of the world began to swirl. In ruins and ashes, our dream did fall, A nation’s ambition, a global squall. For in seeking power, our humanity we sold, A lesson from history, forever retold. As you can see, there is a marked improvement in the creation of the poem by ChatGPT 4.0. It is bending the textual way of writing far more adroitly toward creating rhymes. It also exudes more passion with better use of symbolism, personifications, allusions, epithets, vivid imagery, and impressions, along with skilfully placed repetitions to make the poem more engaging. This poem would not be out of place coming from a grad student in literature. Yet, it is a bit generic in nature and is still a far cry from some of the great creations such as “Dulce et Decorum Est” by Wilfred Owen on World War I, or “The Charge of the Light Brigade” by Lord Tennyson on the British cavalry in the Crimean war. However, looking at the progress made by these AI models in just a few years, it is not impossible to contemplate that soon SuperEntAI can write poems that would sit quite well in the elite neighbourhood. It is rather impossible to know if these models are capable of understanding the deep emotions behind some of their creations, but they are surely capable of extracting some form of essence from all the literary work that has been fed to them during the training. These examples illustrate the prowess of AI in one aspect of media creation, but AI is certainly not limited to this one type. The next milestones would be the creation of paintings or images, original musical compositions. A lot of movies use computer and AI-generated graphics to create the high-resolution visuals already and it is only a matter of time when SuperEntAI can create an entire video or even a full length movie based on a prompt. For example, if the SuperEntAI can create a video episode on demand with description such as, “Create a video about half hour long with a little bit of comedy and some action and sci- fi. Also make sure there is Bruce Willis and Aishwarya Rai in it.” Imagine what would happen to Hollywood or Bollywood for that matter. Or consider another description, “Create an original score of symphony orchestra in the style of Beethoven for fifteen minutes.” If SuperEntAI can create even passable interpretations from these textual prompts, video streaming services such as Netflix and HBO and music streaming services such as Spotify and Tidal would also become irrelevant. Each person can create their own entertainment media on demand and enjoy it and then even share it with friends. Quite likely, the creations may not be on par with the original creations in the past at the beginning, but looking at the pace of progress in the AI models, who is to say where it will go? Another disturbing trend we can see in the media viewership today, with the availability of consumption devices such as smartphones and tablets, is in the form of enormous increase in the viewership of YouTube videos where people just play and comment on video games or just review and unbox stuff in front of phone cameras and get millions of views. The preparation that goes into creating these videos can be in the order of few hours to even minutes involving a handful of people compared to months or even years of preparation that goes into making production quality movies involving hundreds of people. There is absolutely no comparison in production quality and value in these two genres, but despite that, most movies don’t get the viewership like these YouTube videos. It just goes on to say that when the media consumption arenas have moved from movie theaters and opera houses to handheld devices, the quality of production or the expectation for quality of production has shrunk as well. In this context, SuperEntAI appears to be an absolute game changer and can have devastating effects on the entire entertainment industry. Once again, the companies owning the AI technology are at the forefront of creating SuperEntAI, unless some bold startups emerging with support from Hollywood or Bollywood can reach there faster. This discussion also brings up a rather crucial point about overall media and entertainment and that is what do we expect to get out of this media consumption? Is it just some form of entertainment to kill time, relax? Or is it some learning? Do we really care about the originality of the content? Do we care about the actual people involved in the creation of the content? There are no easy answers to these questions and even for the same person the answers can differ from time to time. Furthermore, the upcoming generations are going to have a whole new set of expectations from the media with their new and emerging lifestyles with smartphones and AI as integral parts. However, overall trends in how we answer these questions will ultimately decide the fate of the media industry and with that the fate of all the people involved in this industry, including actors, artists, musicians, photographers, producers, and writers would be determined. News and Journalism The media sector has another dimension quite tangential to the entertainment aspect and that is news and journalism. News and journalism serve a variety of critical functions in society. Their role is not just to inform, but also to shape public discourse, safeguard accountability, and reflect the diverse voices and concerns of the public. This area seems to be more robust as of now compared to the entertainment area with respect to loss of job opportunities to SuperAI. This area serves many functions, but some of the key responsibilities are

(1) gathering and communicating factual, accurate, and timely information pertaining to matters of public interest at local, national, as well as international levels. The reporters and journalists have a deep network among people who are at crucial positions, thereby enabling them to catch the developing stories in a timely manner. This is fairly an ad hoc and unpredictable process, making it difficult to automate through use of SuperAI. However, as the ambient surveillance of the public areas and offices deepens, SuperAI can get close to capturing the critical news, but it seems long ways ahead.

 (2) Journalists also keep check on the power. By investigating and exposing corruption, malpractice, and other wrongdoings, they ensure that the right people and organizations and even governments are held accountable for their actions in the public interest. The nature of this work also falls along the same lines as the earlier function and as such is beyond the scope of SuperAI at the moment.

(3) Journalism also offers a platform for public debate, ensuring that diverse voices are heard. SuperAI may be able to provide such a platform, but managing it in a timely and diplomatic manner that involves people that are inherently unpredictable in nature when provoked can be quite difficult for SuperAI.

(4) Journalists and editors perform in-depth analyses of complex issues from scientific innovations to intricate legal and political matters and also cast their own opinions from their own experiences using their strong linguistic skills. SuperAI can handle the analysis part, but casting opinions can be tricky at the moment and may need some more time.

Overall, SuperAI can assist the journalists in gathering historical facts and consolidating the large research findings but cannot replace the existing workforce. Public Services Public service offers another significant piece of pie when it comes to the job market. Some of the roles described earlier, such as education, legal matters, etc., can also be grouped under this area. In this section, we will focus on the remaining job profiles. Health and human services serve as one important aspect of this group. Some of these roles in this category such as public health officer, social worker, child protection officer, environmental health specialist, can be in the form of volunteering, while some are state funded. The job description for most of these roles is not as defined as most other job profiles we have looked at so far, even if their ultimate goal is well understood. By nature, these roles are quite open-ended and as such quite safe from invasion from SuperAI. Another well-defined category in this area is public safety. Firefighters, police officers, emergency medical tech (EMT), corrections officer, probation officers are all part of this category. Most of these roles involve operations that need a combination of strong physical presence as well as public relations. SuperAI, along with appropriate robotic machinery, can assist in these operations, making humans significantly more effective, but they are unlikely to replace these officers in the near future, except for firefighters. Firefighting seems to be the top candidate in this category that can be fully replaced with SuperAI powered robots and automotive machines. This job involves a serious risk along with fairly routine operations that can be accurately estimated based on simple visual (camera based) inspection. Transportation is another important piece of the equation driving a large number of jobs. This is yet another endangered role that can potentially lose a lot of jobs to SuperAI for transportation or SuperTransAI. Transportation involves many modes of transportation such as land based, water based, and air based. In the land transportation area, all the roles can be consolidated into driving from point A to point B. It can be truck drivers transporting goods using large semi-trucks, or it can be bus drivers transporting groups people or children, or it can be taxi drivers transporting smaller groups of people or individual commuters. All these roles involve driving the automobile on roads. Some form of autonomous driving features are being adopted by most cars by the third decade of the twenty first century such as adaptive cruise control, that can maintain a constant speed and also apply brakes if the vehicle in front slows down and regain speed as the situation changes, or emergency stopping system that detects unexpected pedestrians or objects in the path and apply brakes to stop the car. Some cars can also maintain the car in the given lane and apply small tweaks to the steering wheel as needed or even change the lanes automatically with the press of a button. Combining these features, cars can almost drive by themselves on freeways. GPS or global positioning system based on a set of satellites is already integrated into most cars and smartphones that can provide turn-by[1]turn guidance. Combining the autonomous driving features listed earlier with GPS system, fully autonomous vehicles are not too far away. Road intersections can be fitted with additional sensors and electronic signalling systems to further improve the accuracy of autonomous driving once the system gets established. Fully autonomous vehicles can completely change the game and owning a vehicle would be redundant. Whenever transportation is needed, all that will be needed will be a smartphone app such as Uber and your car would be made available within a short time. Carpooling can be optimized, and overall pollution can be reduced dramatically. Autonomous transportation can also improve the delivery of orders and also reduce the cost of transportation effectively reducing the cost of goods. Water-based transportation is likely to be even easier to automate considering there is much less traffic and unpredictability to handle. Most of the ships and boats are fitted with an array of sensors capturing data about the surrounding waters such as depth, presence of fishes and other objects, underwater mountains and icebergs, etc. They also have comprehensive communication systems monitoring the weather data as well as information about other ships in the neighbourhood. Currently, the ratio of the number of captains required to the number of people a ship can transport is so low, there is a very low cost associated with keeping the captain’s job to humans, and as a result, there is much less interest in automating it. However, when push comes to shove, automating this job seems to be a low hanging fruit for SuperTransAI. All the other roles on the ship such as engineers, catering and food[1]related positions, passenger management positions are already considered in different contexts and the fate of those roles as described applies here just the same. Then comes the air-based transportation. The role of pilot is already heavily diluted with auto-pilot features in most modern planes. These auto pilot features are already capable of multiple key features in flying the airplane such as

(1) maintaining the aircraft in a specified direction.

(2) Maintaining the aircraft at a specified altitude or height from the ground.

(3) Raising or lowering the aircraft to a preselected altitude at a specific rate of climb or descent.

(4) Maintaining the aircraft at a specified speed, either indicated airspeed or Mach number, depending on altitude.

(5) Going further nuanced, these systems can also change altitude at a specified speed. The aircraft will climb or descend at the selected speed until the designated altitude is reached automatically.

(6) Combining these capabilities, an autopilot can also follow a predetermined route based on waypoints input into the flight management system (FMS).

(7) Controlling the aircraft’s vertical trajectory to follow a predefined profile based on altitude constraints at specific waypoints.

(8) Auto landing: In aircraft with advanced autopilot systems, the autopilot can perform a fully automatic landing, handling the aircraft during its final approach, touchdown, and even some parts of the rollout. This is particularly useful in extremely low visibility conditions and is only used with certain types of instrument approaches.

(9) Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) Integration: In some advanced systems, if a traffic conflict arises and a resolution advisory is issued by TCAS, the autopilot can automatically adjust the aircraft’s vertical path to avoid the conflict.

In summary, combining all these features with the autopilot systems as of writing of the book can almost replace the pilots entirely. The presence of a human pilot is needed only during take-off and just before landing and that too is not necessary in some conditions. However, these packages are still in their early stages and need more time to mature. But in the near future, jobs of pilots definitely appear to be on the verge of extinction with SuperTransAI ready to take over. So far, we have looked at a fairly comprehensive list of job profiles across a diverse spectrum of market and how each of them is going to be impacted with the emergence of SuperAI and all its variations that we saw. There are still many more nuanced job profiles we may have missed, but one can easily extrapolate the potential impact of SuperAI on them based on the discussion so far. In summary, it is quite clear that SuperAI is going to change the way we look at work and career in general and we need to adapt to these changing times in a relatively short time. Having a thorough understanding of the technology that powers this SuperAI would come in handy in estimating the precise impact of this technology and would help us prepare for the near-term future with confidence. It is the prime objective of all the chapters so far to help prepare current and upcoming generations to embrace SuperAI wholeheartedly, appreciate all the benefits it is going to offer and work our way with it to make our future a better future, a future where we not only survive, but thrive living alongside SuperAI and embarking on an adventurous journey toward a better tomorrow. Ethics and SuperAI “To err is human, to forgive divine,” English poet Alxander Pope wrote this in his poem in the context of literary criticism but has become a reference in its own right in the bigger context of humanity. It emphasizes the fallible nature of humanity. It states that everyone makes mistakes even with the best of intentions and best of preparations, and it’s OK to make mistakes. There are several reasons one can make mistakes such as ignorance, misunderstanding, or misjudgement. The other aspect of the sentence talks about forgiving. Before going into the appropriateness of forgiving, we need to look at who is in the position to forgive or in other words who is impacted by the mistake of bad decision? At every step of the way, we have options to choose from. Some choices lead to good things, and some choices can lead to not so good things. The more the power carried by the individual making the decision, the more is the impact of the decisions. The bigger the scope of the decision, the larger number of people impacted by it. If an individual makes a decision in their personal life (good or bad), only the close friends or relatives may get impacted; if a senior executive of an organization makes a decision (again good/bad), all the employees of the organization are impacted accordingly; if a president of a country makes a decision (good/bad), all the citizens of the country as well as other countries may get impacted and so on. Coming back to forgiving on a case-by-case basis, should the friends and relatives of the person forgive them for the bad decision? Should the employees forgive the executive for their bad decision? Should all the citizens of affected countries forgive the presidents? There is no one answer to these questions, and the only reasonable answer is that it depends. It depends on the type of bad decision; it depends on the level of impact, and it depends on how far the person has gone from the guidance of ethics and morality. Ethics or morality is the ultimate compass that can guide us when the choices overwhelm. It is a study of what is right and what is wrong. These are the eternal questions that 186 have been with us since the origin of humankind, since the time our brain has started functioning and since the time, we became part of the ecosystem that is Earth. The philosophy of making the appropriate decisions, aka ethics, lies at the core of all of humanity, and it is the eternal branch of study that we need to keep evolving with the advancing technology, culture, and daily routines. Till the times of regular AI machines, the ethical implication of using a piece of technology would mostly apply to them, but with the new wave of humanlike SuperAI, we need to revaluate these implications afresh. Capabilities of SuperAI are going to encompass nearly all the fields of operations and are going to touch every aspect of humanity in the near future. As such this spread is going to cross the boundaries of nations, continents, race and religions, gender, age, and so on. With such a broader scope and the power that accompanies it, SuperAI should be held appropriately accountable and responsible to the highest possible standards that are globally applicable. SuperAI is truly going to take us to the era of Global Earth as one nation and SuperAI as the true global citizen. The reach of SuperAI is going to flow as electrical signals through wires or waves, enriching everything in its path. The accountability and responsibility at global level that comes with it need to be mutually shared between the individuals or organizations that build the SuperAI and the SuperAI itself! Yes, make no mistake, the machines involved in delivering SuperAI, can also be called embodiments of SuperAI, would need to be held accountable just like humans when involved in making decisions. However, in the early stages, the organizations that developed and trained the SuperAI machines would share the bulk of the accountability and responsibility. Before diving into the details of how the ethics would work, we need to establish the ethical ground rules that span across all the religions and faiths, and cultures are tightly integrated with the fabric of human DNA itself.

1. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. This simple statement can have deep implications including a. Do not cause pain b. Respect c. Mutual trust d. Honesty e. Compassion f. Above all the paramount value for life

2. Follow the rules. When a community or civilization is established, a fundamental set of rules is created to make it successful. As a part of this community or civilization be part of creating these rules as needed and then it is important to know and follow the rules.

Always Global SuperAI is going to create an unprecedented number of opportunities in coming years across all the established workstreams as discussed earlier in the chapter, where a great many numbers of organizations, small or large, are going to participate. These organizations may be located in any corner of the world, let it be a small city in India, a rural town in China, a suburb in Korea, a village in Europe, an urban area in Australia, a borough in the African continent, or an American metropolis, make no mistake, the technology that they are going to build is going to be used on a global scale. As a result, it’s extremely important to have a global mind-set in building any technology. The notion of global has many implications, and let’s look at them one by one.

1. Appreciate cultures: AI systems should be designed to understand and respect various cultural norms and values spread across the world. Without a global mind-set, SuperAI systems can inadvertently perpetuate stereotypes and biases.

2. Be inclusive: If AI is built based on data from a particular region or demographic only, it is likely to be less effective or even biased against other groups. A global perspective ensures that diverse viewpoints and needs are addressed.

3. Equality: There’s a risk that AI technologies could widen the global divide between the classes. A global mind-set can help in designing solutions that are affordable and accessible to as many people as possible. To address these implications, one must invest in technological tools such as:

1. Localization: AI solutions often need to be localized to fit the specific needs, languages, and regulations of different countries. Failure to do this can result in ineffective or even harmful applications.

2. Privacy: Different regions have different regulations regarding data protection (e.g., GDPR in the European Union). A global mind set is essential for navigating these complex and potentially conflicting regulations. To ease into developing in such global setup, collaboration is of paramount importance. Many of the challenges that AI aims to solve are global in nature (e.g., climate change, healthcare).

A global perspective fosters international collaboration, pooling resources and expertise. It also helps in understanding geopolitical issues, regulatory alignment, and so on. Fair and Just Attribution This is yet another hard problem in the context of ethics that needs to be handled with care. There are a number of principles that should be followed to ensure that the AI systems are operating in a fair and just manner.

1. Transparency and accountability: First principle is to ensure that SuperAI systems are transparent and accountable. This means that it should be possible to understand how SuperAI systems work and to hold them accountable for their decisions. This can be done by providing clear documentation of how SuperAI systems are trained and by using techniques such as explain ability to make it easier to understand how AI systems make decisions.

2. Removing biases: Another important principle is to avoid bias in SuperAI systems. This means that SuperAI systems should not be biased against certain groups of people, such as race, gender, or sexual orientation. This can be done by using techniques such as debasing to remove bias from SuperAI systems.

3. Social equality: It is also important to consider the social impact of SuperAI systems. This means thinking about how SuperAI systems will be used and how they could impact different groups of people. This can be done by conducting impact assessments to identify potential risks and benefits of SuperAI systems.

4. Credit attribution: Finally, it is important to have a clear and objective process for attributing credit for the work of SuperAI systems. This means ensuring that the people who create the AI systems as well as all the individuals and entities that are involved in the creation of the content and data that is used for training the AI system are properly credited for their work.

Whenever a patented idea or open-source material is used, the creators should be properly attributed and acknowledged. In commercial settings, the attribution would also mean developing a streamlined pipeline for making appropriate financial arrangements. Honest and Trustworthy The algorithms that are used to develop the SuperAI systems are quite complex and the amount of data that they churn through to develop a trained system is extremely vast. Even a human involved in such arrangements can get mixed up in the vast complexity and potentially make up things that are not entirely true and cannot be backed with hard evidence. However, SuperAI systems should be held at higher standards considering the crucial decisions that they would be making and the global impact that they would be driving. SuperAI systems should always be truthful and accurate and should not make up things of their own (called as hallucination) and represent the real world accurately. They should not be bearer of false news or claims and mislead people. They should always be able to support the claims that they make. Consistent honest behaviour inculcates trust. Here are some principles that would ensure a long-term honest and trustworthy behaviour from SuperAI systems:

1. Transparency: We looked at the definition of transparency in earlier parts, but in this case, the transparency from the perspectives of algorithms and data used in the training is of particular importance. In many cases, full transparency may not be feasible due to licensing aspects, but the makers of the SuperAI system should make every effort to provide the full picture behind the operation of the system to the user.

2. Explain ability: Use of interpretable models is a starting point for this. Many AI models, including the ones based on neural networks, 190 may get too complex and, as a result, it may become practically impossible to identify the reasons behind the predictions or recommendations generated by them. However, the makers of the SuperAI system should have the explain ability in mind from start and it should be available to users from day 1.

3. Accountability: We looked at this aspect in the earlier parts as well, but we need to look at accountability from the technical perspective in this case. Any SuperAI system, even if trained by exercising all the precautions, can still make a mistake. In such cases, the system should take the ownership of the mistake and provide formal channels to report such errors and provide a path to how it would be mitigated and fixed in future. Users are aware of the limitations of the system and when the system offers this level of accountability, it builds trust.

4. Accuracy: The SuperAI system should always be driven using accurate and real-life sources. There are always cheaper alternatives with synthetic data, but they should be avoided as and when possible. It also helps with capturing the real trends in the world and avoid unintended biases in the system. Also, while marketing the system, the urge for overhyping the claims should be curbed. One can easily rig the testing frameworks to generate overly optimistic results, and that should be avoided. Users are ultimately going to be the real judges and if they observe parity between the claims and actual performance, the SuperAI system would lose the trust forever.

5. Long-term safeguards: Keeping the details and long-term logs of system operation are key to keeping the system on track for long term. These logs help in monitoring the system performance over time as well as investigate and understand trends in the decisions made by the system. Continuous monitoring and updating the system and notifying the users about them would keep the users coming back to the system again and again. Value of Life Last, but certainly not the least, value of life forms the most complex and relatively vague aspect of ethics, especially when it comes to application in AI.

Here is a classic conundrum that illustrates this concept in the context of self-driving cars. Consider a self-driving car driving down a road at a reasonably high speed still following the speed limit. Suddenly a group of children appears on the road crossing the street. What should the car do? Consider for argument that there is no chance of stopping the car in a straight line. So, if the car continues straight even with hard application of brakes it is going to run over the children. The other option is to swerve by taking a sharp turn. Taking such a turn at the speed the car is going is likely going to overturn the car killing the occupants. What should the SuperAI driving the car choose? There seems to be no right answer, as both options have the potential to result in harm. On the one hand, the car should not be programmed to kill humans, as this would violate the principle of not harming humans. On the other hand, the car should also not be programmed to put the driver and passengers at risk of serious injury or death. Should the system prioritize the younger children in favour of older driver and passengers, or it should prioritize the driver and passengers as they are following the basic traffic rules while the children are the ones breaking them? Either way, the SuperAI systems of future need to tackle problems like these and come up with the appropriate response in a matter of milliseconds or microseconds to be able to make the difference. Here are some additional examples of ethical dilemmas that SuperAI systems would need to address:

1. Making decisions on choosing who gets organ transplants.

2. Operating a military SuperAI system built for autonomous warfare in such a way that it only operates against the “bad” guys. 3. Use of SuperAI to make insurance decisions on who gets approvals for life threatening diseases while staying within the financial budget. 4. And many more… Conclusion SuperAI is poised to change the life of humans that we are familiar with in the twenty first century. The impact is going to be quite pervasive, and it has the potential to bring monumental changes in our lives. We will really need to prepare ourselves for this change if we truly want to benefit from it, as it is going to be rather fast. All the previous chapters leading into this chapter and this chapter would provide the necessary conceptual background to prepare ourselves for this change. In the next chapter, we set our focus on a horizon much farther, approximately a century or two after tomorrow and try to contemplate how the evolution of machine intelligence can change the way humans have been living for hundreds of thousands of years since their arrival on planet Earth. We will evaluate the fundamental principles on which humans have been building their lives that satisfy their basic needs starting from hunter-gatherer times all the way till the modern, fully connected urban cities. We will try to rethink and reimage a better way to organize the socio-political structure for the future where we share our lives with SuperAI and make the world a better place and prepare us humans to be the true global citizens of the planet Earth, ready to be universal citizens and take over the solar system and beyond!


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