who established the driving on the Left hand side of the roads?


It's difficult to pinpoint exactly who established driving on the left side of the road. The practice likely goes back centuries, with theories suggesting it may have originated with the ancient Romans.

Here's a breakdown of the history:

  • Romans and Middle Ages: Evidence suggests Romans drove chariots on the left, possibly to keep their right hand free for weapons. This practice continued in parts of medieval Europe.
  • 1300s: Pope Boniface VIII issued a decree requiring pilgrims traveling to Rome to keep left.
  • 1700s: With wider use of horse-drawn wagons, the driver would sit on the left rear horse to control the reins. However, there wasn't a single, universal rule.

Driving on the left eventually became formalized in Britain:

  • 1773: Britain passed the first legislation mandating left-hand traffic.
  • 1835: The rule was further solidified.

Meanwhile, other European countries like France opted for right-hand traffic. So, the establishment wasn't by a single person, but rather a gradual development with influences from various periods and reasons.


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