ChatGPT features include:

• Mimicking the style and structure of input data to generate human-like text

• Crafting responses to prompts or input text, including storytelling and answering questions

• Generating text in various languages

• Adapting the style of generated text, whether formal or informal

• Asking clarifying questions to better grasp the intent of input data

• Providing consistent text in the context of a conversation, like offering


follow-up instructions or understanding references to previous questions.

Other AI models can handle similar tasks with images, sounds, and video.




While ChatGPT is a potent tool, it has its limitations. First, these transformer models lack common sense reasoning. This can lead to a limited ability to handle complexity, nuance, and questions around emotions, values, beliefs, and abstract concepts.

These limitations can manifest in several ways:

• It lacks understanding of the text it generates. While some output may sound humanlike, the model isn't human. This has implications. It may struggle with nuance, ambiguity, sarcasm, or irony. More problematic is its potential to generate text that sounds plausible but is incorrect or nonsensical. Additionally, it can't verify the accuracy of its output.

• It can produce biased, discriminatory, or offensive text. ChatGPT's quality is only as good as its input data. Trained on large amounts of text data from the internet, including biased input, this can manifest in the generated text.

• Responses may be rooted in outdated information. The model has limited knowledge of events after 2021 and is not connected to the wider internet. If used for code production, it could pull from outdated examples that no longer meet modern cybersecurity standards.

• Output can be formulaic. ChatGPT can generate text similar to existing text and overuse certain phrases, resulting in flat and unimaginative text, or in extreme cases, plagiarism or copyright infringement.

• The tool isn't always available. The surge in ChatGPT's popularity has led to capacity issues. When servers get overloaded, you may receive a "ChatGPT is at capacity" message.




OpenAI recently unveiled their latest ChatGPT system, a machine learning tool designed for natural language processing. It has the ability to simulate human conversations and engage with people. As it is used more, ChatGPT improves its conversational abilities over time. A ChatGPT prompt is a statement or question that starts a conversation with the AI assistant. This AI language model has been pre-trained on a wide range of data and can generate human-like responses to text prompts. Using natural language processing techniques, ChatGPT can understand and respond to prompts on various topics. The goal of a ChatGPT prompt is to initiate a friendly and engaging conversation with the AI assistant and obtain the desired information in a natural language format.


Use action words

Using action words to craft the ideal ChatGPT prompt is crucial. It ensures

that the prompt is clear, specific, and engaging. Action words convey the

purpose of the prompt and prompt the AI assistant to deliver more

informative and insightful responses. Here's a list of action words for

crafting the perfect ChatGPT prompts:

• Identify

• Describe

• Explain

• Compare

• Contrast

• Discuss

• Analyse

• Evaluate

• Recommend

• Suggest

• Propose

• Predict

• Assess

• Interpret

• Apply

• Demonstrate

• Illustrate

• Elaborate

• Justify

• Validate


Provide context for the AI


Providing context for your topic when crafting the ideal ChatGPT prompt is crucial. It helps the AI assistant grasp the background, purpose, and scope of the prompt. Here are some tips:

3. Provide context for the AI

Providing context for your topic when crafting the ideal ChatGPT prompt is

crucial. It helps the AI assistant grasp the background, purpose, and scope of the prompt.

Here are some tips:

• Define your topic: Offer a clear and concise definition to ensure the AI assistant understands the focus.

• Provide additional information: Share details like history, current status, and future trends to give the AI assistant more context.

• Explain the purpose: Clarify why the topic is relevant to you and why you want to discuss it with the AI assistant.

• Outline goals or objectives: Clearly define what specific information you seek or the outcome you hope to achieve.

• Use supporting examples: Illustrate your topic with examples or anecdotes to provide more context and detail.

Define what output you want to save time, clearly define the desired output for ChatGPT in your prompt.


Consider these key aspects:


• Tone: Formal, informal, friendly, or professional.

• Language: Specify the language.

• Length: Short answer, paragraph, or longer response.

• Format: Text, audio, or video.

• Detail: Level of detail needed.

• Personalization: Level of personalization desired.


Interact with the AI


When crafting the ideal ChatGPT prompt, it's crucial to understand how to engage with ChatGPT after initiating a chat for optimal responses. Here are

some pointers for interacting with ChatGPT:

• Ask Follow-Up Questions: Seek additional details on specific parts of the response by asking more targeted follow-up questions to refine and clarify the response.

• Refine Answers: If the initial response isn't quite what you need, provide feedback and refine the question or prompt to obtain a more accurate and targeted response.

• Clarify: If the response is unclear or ambiguous, request clarification to ensure a more precise and tailored response.

• Provide Feedback: Offer feedback on the quality and relevance of the response received from ChatGPT to personalize future interactions and improve the quality of responses.

• Specify: Direct the AI to be more specific about intent or purpose in the conversation to receive the desired response.

• Stay Engaged: Maintain an informative dialogue with ChatGPT by asking relevant questions and providing feedback throughout the interaction.

By following these tips for crafting the perfect prompts for ChatGPT and refining your interactions with the AI chatbot, you'll achieve better results more efficiently than ever before!



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