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  Why we are here? That's a profound question that philosophers and scientists have pondered for centuries. There's no definitive answer, but here are a few perspectives: Biological Perspective: We are here as a result of evolution, a complex process that has shaped life on Earth over billions of years. Philosophical Perspective: Some philosophers argue that our existence is a mystery that cannot be fully explained by science alone. They believe that there may be a deeper meaning or purpose to our lives. Religious Perspective: Many religions offer explanations for our existence, often involving a higher power or divine creator. Scientific Perspective: While science can explain how we came to be, it may not be able to answer the "why" of our existence. This is a question that may lie outside the realm of scientific inquiry. Ultimately, the question of "Why are we here?" is a deeply personal


Khayyam's  impact on Persian literature and culture.

Omar Khayyam’s impact on Persian literature and culture is profound and multifaceted. His contributions extend beyond his scientific achievements, deeply influencing Persian poetry, philosophy, and cultural identity.

Literary Influence

1. The Rubáiyát: Khayyam’s “Rubáiyát” (quatrains) are his most celebrated literary work. These poems are characterized by their philosophical depth, exploring themes such as the transient nature of life, the pursuit of happiness, and the questioning of religious dogma. The simplicity and elegance of his quatrains have made them timeless, resonating with readers across centuries.

2. Philosophical Themes: Khayyam’s poetry often reflects a skeptical and questioning attitude towards life and religion, which was quite bold for his time. His contemplative and sometimes hedonistic approach to life’s mysteries has influenced many Persian poets who followed, encouraging a tradition of introspective and philosophical poetry.

3. Literary Style: Khayyam’s use of the quatrain form became a significant stylistic influence in Persian poetry. The concise and impactful nature of his verses set a standard for brevity and depth in Persian literary tradition. His ability to convey profound thoughts in just four lines has inspired countless poets to adopt and adapt this form.

Cultural Impact

1. Intellectual Freedom: Khayyam’s works symbolize intellectual freedom and the right to question established norms. Living under the rule of the Seljuk Turks and the mandates of the Islamic Caliphate, his poetry provided a subtle form of resistance and a voice for personal and philosophical expression. This has made him a cultural icon representing the pursuit of knowledge and freedom of thought.

2. Influence on Persian Identity: Khayyam’s legacy is integral to Persian cultural identity. His works are celebrated not only for their literary merit but also for their embodiment of Persian intellectual and artistic heritage. Festivals, literary gatherings, and academic studies often honour his contributions, keeping his memory alive in contemporary Persian culture.

3. Global Recognition: The translation of Khayyam’s “Rubáiyát” by Edward FitzGerald brought his work to a global audience, significantly impacting how Persian literature is perceived worldwide. This international recognition has helped to highlight the richness of Persian literary tradition and has fostered a greater appreciation for Persian culture globally.


Omar Khayyam’s influence on Persian literature and culture is enduring and far-reaching. His ability to blend poetic beauty with philosophical inquiry has left a lasting legacy that continues to inspire and provoke thought. Khayyam’s works are a testament to the power of intellectual and artistic expression, and his impact on Persian culture remains a source of pride and inspiration.

Khayyam's philosophical views.

Omar Khayyam’s philosophical views are deeply embedded in his poetry and reflect a blend of skepticism, existentialism, and a celebration of the present moment. Here are some key aspects of his philosophy:

Skepticism and Questioning

Khayyam often expressed a skeptical attitude towards both religious and secular dogma. He questioned the certainty of religious doctrines and the promises of an afterlife, which was quite bold for his time. His poetry reflects a critical examination of the world around him, encouraging readers to think independently and question established beliefs12.

Existential Themes

Khayyam’s poetry delves into existential themes, grappling with questions about the meaning of life, the nature of reality, and the inevitability of death. He often pondered the transient nature of human existence and the futility of seeking absolute truths. This existential perspective is evident in his famous quatrains, where he reflects on the fleeting nature of life and the importance of embracing the present moment34.

Embracing the Present

One of the most prominent themes in Khayyam’s poetry is the emphasis on living in the present. He advocated for enjoying life’s pleasures and making the most of the current moment, as the future is uncertain and life is short. This carpe diem philosophy is a recurring motif in his “Rubáiyát,” where he encourages readers to savour the joys of life without being overly concerned about the past or future45.

Mysticism and Utopianism

Khayyam’s works also suggest a blend of mysticism and this-worldly utopianism. While he did not fully align with any particular mystical or utopian tradition, his poetry often reflects a longing for a deeper understanding of the universe and a better, more just world. This dual inclination adds a rich, contemplative layer to his philosophical outlook3.

Legacy and Influence

Khayyam’s philosophical views have had a lasting impact on both Persian literature and global thought. His ability to articulate complex philosophical ideas in a poetic form has inspired countless readers and scholars. His works continue to be studied for their profound insights into the human condition and their timeless relevance.

Khayyam’s philosophy, encapsulated in his poetry, remains a testament to the enduring power of intellectual freedom and the pursuit of wisdom. His reflections on life, death, and the universe encourage a thoughtful and introspective approach to understanding our place in the world.

The impact of Khayyam's philosophy beyond poetry.

Omar Khayyam’s philosophical views have had a significant impact beyond his poetry, influencing various fields and aspects of intellectual thought.

Influence on Science and Mathematics

1. Rational Inquiry: Khayyam’s approach to mathematics and science was deeply philosophical. His insistence on empirical evidence and logical reasoning in solving mathematical problems, such as his work on cubic equations and the parallel postulate, reflects a rationalist philosophy that has influenced scientific thought12.

2. Calendar Reform: Khayyam’s work on the Jalali calendar, which is more accurate than the Gregorian calendar, showcases his application of philosophical rigor to practical problems. This calendar reform has had a lasting impact on timekeeping and the organization of society in Persia and beyond2.

Impact on Persian and Islamic Philosophy

1. Skepticism and Rationalism: Khayyam’s skeptical approach to religious and philosophical questions has influenced Persian and Islamic philosophy. His questioning of religious dogma and emphasis on rational thought contributed to a tradition of intellectual inquiry and skepticism within Islamic philosophy3.

2. Integration of Science and Philosophy: Khayyam’s work exemplifies the integration of scientific and philosophical thought. His contributions to both fields demonstrate how philosophical principles can guide scientific investigation, a legacy that continues to inspire scholars in the Islamic world and beyond13.

Cultural and Intellectual Legacy

1. Intellectual Freedom: Khayyam’s philosophical views, particularly his emphasis on questioning and critical thinking, have become symbols of intellectual freedom. His works encourage a culture of open inquiry and the pursuit of knowledge, which has had a lasting impact on Persian intellectual traditions4.

2. Influence on Later Thinkers: Khayyam’s ideas have influenced a wide range of later thinkers, both in the East and the West. His philosophical skepticism and existential themes can be seen in the works of later Persian poets and philosophers, as well as in Western existentialist thought4.


Omar Khayyam’s philosophical impact extends far beyond his poetry. His rationalist approach to science and mathematics, his skeptical and questioning attitude towards religious and philosophical dogma, and his emphasis on intellectual freedom have left a lasting legacy on Persian and Islamic thought, as well as on global intellectual traditions.


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