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  Evolutionary Computation. Evolutionary computation is a fascinating subfield of artificial intelligence and soft computing that draws inspiration from biological evolution to solve complex optimization problems. Here’s a deeper dive into its key aspects: Core Concepts Population-Based Approach : Evolutionary computation involves a population of potential solutions to a given problem. These solutions evolve over time through processes analogous to natural selection and genetic variation. Fitness Evaluation : Each candidate solution is evaluated based on a fitness function, which measures how well it solves the problem at hand. The better the solution, the higher its fitness score. Selection : Solutions with higher fitness scores are more likely to be selected for reproduction. This mimics the natural selection process where the fittest individuals are more likely to pass on their genes.


Forever secret of creation, between you and me,

the puzzle is not solved by logic;

When solution is validated,

There is no more question between you and me!

This poem, "Forever secret of creation, between you and me," captures the profound mystery and intimacy that exists between the creator and the creation. It delves into the metaphysical relationship between the two, highlighting the idea that the ultimate truths of existence are beyond the grasp of mere logic or rational thought. This short but evocative piece of poetry reflects Romantic ideals, celebrating the depth of human emotion, the sublime nature of existence, and the ineffable connection between the self and the universe.

Exploration of the Poem

The opening line, "Forever secret of creation, between you and me," immediately sets the tone for the poem, suggesting that the essence of creation is an eternal mystery shared intimately between the speaker and another entity—perhaps a divine force, a lover, or even the universe itself. The use of the word "forever" emphasizes the timelessness of this secret, indicating that it is a mystery that transcends time and remains hidden across the ages. The phrase "between you and me" suggests a deeply personal connection, as if the speaker and the addressee share an understanding that is unique and sacred.

The second line, "the puzzle is not solved by logic," reinforces the idea that the nature of creation is not something that can be comprehended through rational thought or scientific inquiry. This line resonates with the Romantic belief in the limitations of reason and the elevation of emotion, intuition, and imagination as the primary means of understanding the world. The "puzzle" here symbolizes the complexities of life, existence, and creation itself—an enigma that cannot be unravelled through conventional methods of reasoning.

In the third line, "When solution is validated," the poem suggests that even if a solution or understanding is reached, it is not through the expected means of logic. The word "validated" implies that the solution is recognized or accepted, but not necessarily through empirical evidence or logical deduction. This could imply that the solution comes from a place of deep insight, spiritual awakening, or personal revelation—experiences that are central to Romantic thought.

Finally, the concluding line, "There is no more question between you and me!" offers a resolution to the poem’s exploration of mystery and understanding. Once the secret of creation is understood or accepted, there is no longer a need for questions or doubts. This line suggests a state of unity, where the speaker and the addressee are in perfect harmony, having transcended the need for inquiry. The mystery that once existed between them has been resolved, not through logic, but through a deeper, perhaps mystical, understanding.

Romantic Expression in the Poem

This poem can be seen as a reflection of Romantic ideals, where the focus is on the individual’s emotional and spiritual experience rather than on external truths or logical reasoning. The Romantics believed in the power of the imagination and the importance of personal insight, often viewing nature and the universe as a source of inspiration and spiritual truth. In this poem, the "secret of creation" can be interpreted as the ultimate truth or divine knowledge, something that is inherently personal and can only be understood through a deep, emotional connection.

The rejection of logic as a means to solve the puzzle of creation is a quintessential Romantic idea. Romantics often criticized the Enlightenment's emphasis on reason and science, arguing that these approaches could not capture the full scope of human experience or the mysteries of the universe. Instead, they celebrated the unknown and the mysterious, believing that true understanding comes from within, through feelings, intuition, and a sense of awe at the sublime.

The resolution of the poem, where "there is no more question between you and me," speaks to the Romantic ideal of achieving a state of unity and harmony with the universe. This is reminiscent of the Romantic pursuit of the sublime—a state of being where one feels a profound connection to the greater whole, often resulting in a sense of peace and fulfilment. The poem suggests that this state is not reached through intellectual pursuit but through a deeper, more intuitive understanding of the world and one’s place in it.


"Forever secret of creation, between you and me," is a poem that encapsulates the essence of Romanticism, emphasizing the importance of personal insight, the limitations of logic, and the profound connection between the individual and the universe. It invites the reader to consider the mysteries of existence not as puzzles to be solved through reason, but as secrets to be experienced and understood on a deeper, more emotional level. In doing so, the poem celebrates the Romantic ideals of intuition, emotion, and the sublime, offering a vision of creation that is both deeply personal and universally resonant.


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