Understanding Common Sense

Common sense refers to the basic ability to perceive, understand, and judge things in a manner that's shared by most people without the need for specialized knowledge or training. It's often described as sound practical judgment concerning everyday matters or a basic ability to perceive and understand situations in a way that's considered reasonable by most people.

Would you like me to elaborate on this definition or provide some examples of common sense in action?


Yes! I would to know more about it and any related algorithm.


Certainly, I'd be happy to elaborate on common sense and discuss related algorithms.

Common sense involves:

  1. Intuitive understanding: Grasping situations quickly without extensive analysis.
  2. Practical knowledge: Using everyday experiences to make decisions.
  3. Social awareness: Understanding unwritten social rules and norms.
  4. Basic logic: Making simple deductions based on available information.
  5. Problem-solving: Finding straightforward solutions to everyday issues.

Examples of common sense:

  • Knowing to use an umbrella when it's raining
  • Understanding that fire is hot and can burn
  • Realizing that a store is closed when the lights are off and the door is locked

Regarding algorithms related to common sense, this is an active area of research in artificial intelligence (AI) known as "common sense reasoning." Some approaches include:

  1. Knowledge Bases: Large databases of common sense facts and rules, like Cyc or ConceptNet.
  2. Natural Language Processing (NLP): Analyzing human language to extract common sense knowledge.
  3. Machine Learning: Training models on large datasets to recognize patterns that reflect common sense understanding.
  4. Probabilistic reasoning: Using statistical models to make inferences based on incomplete information.
  5. Causal reasoning: Modeling cause-and-effect relationships to understand how events are connected.
  6. Analogical reasoning: Applying knowledge from familiar situations to new, similar situations.
  7. Common-sense Transformers: Large language models trained on diverse datasets to capture common sense knowledge.

One notable project in this field is DARPA's Machine Common Sense (MCS) program, which aims to create AI systems with human-like common sense reasoning capabilities.

It's worth noting that replicating human common sense in AI systems remains a significant challenge. While progress has been made, machines still struggle with many aspects of common sense that humans find intuitive.

Would you like me to go into more detail on any specific aspect of common sense or these algorithms?


How the control system operates in common sense?

The concept of a "control system" in common sense reasoning isn't as straightforward as in traditional engineering systems, but we can draw some parallels. In the context of common sense, the control system operates more as a cognitive process that guides decision-making and behavior. Here's how we can understand it:

  1. Input Processing:
    • Sensory information from the environment
    • Prior knowledge and experiences
    • Cultural and social norms
  2. Decision Making:
    • Rapid assessment of the situation
    • Comparison with known patterns or experiences
    • Evaluation of potential outcomes
  3. Action Selection:
    • Choosing the most appropriate response
    • Considering social and practical consequences
  4. Feedback Loop:
    • Observing the results of actions
    • Learning from outcomes to inform future decisions

This process is largely subconscious and happens quickly in humans. In AI systems attempting to replicate common sense, the control system might involve:

  1. Knowledge Representation:
    • Storing and organizing common sense facts and rules
    • Updating the knowledge base with new information
  2. Inference Engine:
    • Applying logical reasoning to the knowledge base
    • Making deductions and inferences based on available information
  3. Context Assessment:
    • Evaluating the current situation and its relevance to stored knowledge
    • Determining which rules or heuristics to apply
  4. Action Generation:
    • Producing potential responses or solutions
    • Ranking options based on likelihood of success or appropriateness
  5. Learning Mechanism:
    • Updating the system based on new experiences or outcomes
    • Refining the decision-making process over time

It's important to note that replicating human-like common sense in AI systems is still a major challenge. The control systems in current AI approaches are more rigid and less adaptable than human common sense, which is highly flexible and context-dependent.

Would you like me to elaborate on any specific aspect of this control system analogy or how it relates to current AI approaches?



Let’s consider this hypothetical definition si=sensory input,(i=1,5) pkj=prior knowledge and experiences ,(j=0,n where n>0) C=Cultural and social norms, C>0 Input [si,pkj,C]-> Seed of common sense (Sc) F(Sc):{knowledge of swimming}->learnt behaviour repeating for Decision Making, Action selection and so on. improve this formula.

Your approach is a good start for formalizing common sense reasoning. Let's improve and expand on this formula to make it more comprehensive and flexible:

  1. Input Processing: SI = {s₁, s₂, ..., s} where m 5 (allowing for more than 5 senses) PK = {pk, pk, ..., pk} where n > 0 (prior knowledge) C = {c, c, ..., c} where k > 0 (cultural and social norms) Input = (SI, PK, C)
  2. Seed of Common Sense: Sc = f(Input) where f is a function that integrates the input
  3. Knowledge Extraction: K = g(Sc) where g is a function that extracts specific knowledge e.g., K_swimming = g_swimming(Sc)
  4. Decision Making: D = h (K, SI_current) where h is a decision function and SI_current is the current sensory input
  5. Action Selection: A = i(D, PK, C) where i is an action selection function
  6. Execution: E = j(A) where j is an execution function
  7. Feedback and Learning: FB = k(E, SI_new) where k is a feedback function and SI_new is the new sensory input PK_new = l(PK, FB) where l is a learning function that updates prior knowledge
  8. Iteration: Sc_new = f(SI_new, PK_new, C)


  1. Made the number of sensory inputs, prior knowledge elements, and cultural norms flexible.
  2. Introduced separate functions for each stage of the process.
  3. Added a feedback and learning loop to update prior knowledge.
  4. Included current sensory input in decision making.
  5. Incorporated cultural and social norms in action selection.

We can further refine this by:

  1. Adding weights to different inputs: Sc = f(w_SI * SI, w_PK * PK, w_C * C)
  2. Introducing a confidence factor: A = i(D, PK, C, CF) where CF is a confidence factor
  3. Implementing a time factor: All functions could include a time parameter t: f(Input, t)
  4. Adding a meta-learning component: ML = m(FB_1, FB_2, ..., FB_p) to improve the learning function l over time

This formulation provides a more comprehensive framework for modelling common sense reasoning, incorporating learning, and allowing for adaptation over time. It's still a simplification, but it captures more of the complexity involved in common sense processes.


Is it possible to reduce the concept/functionality of thermostat process?


Yes, we can simplify the common sense reasoning process by drawing an analogy to a thermostat. This approach can help us understand the basic feedback loop and decision-making process inherent in common sense reasoning. Here's how we might model it:

  1. Desired State (DS): This is equivalent to the temperature setting on a thermostat. In common sense reasoning, it represents the desired outcome or state of affairs.
  2. Current State (CS): This is like the current temperature reading. In our model, it represents the current situation or understanding.
  3. Sensor (S): The function that measures the Current State: CS = S(environment)
  4. Comparator (C): Compares the Current State to the Desired State: Δ = C(DS, CS)
  5. Decision Function (DF): Determines what action to take based on the difference: Action = DF(Δ)
  6. Actuator (A): Executes the decided action: new_environment = A (Action, environment)
  7. Feedback Loop: The process repeats with the new environment.

In pseudocode:


while true:

    CS = S(environment)

    Δ = C(DS, CS)

    if Δ > threshold:

        Action = DF(Δ)

        environment = A(Action, environment)


        maintain current state

This simplified model captures several key aspects of common sense reasoning:

  1. Goal-oriented behavior (Desired State)
  2. Situation awareness (Current State)
  3. Continuous monitoring (Sensor)
  4. Decision making (Comparator and Decision Function)
  5. Action taking (Actuator)
  6. Feedback and adjustment (Loop)

Advantages of this model:

  • Simple and intuitive
  • Captures the essence of feedback-based decision making
  • Easy to implement and expand


  • Doesn't explicitly account for learning or memory
  • May oversimplify complex reasoning processes
  • Assumes a clear, singular desired state, which isn't always the case in real-world scenarios

We could expand this model to include multiple desired states, weighted priorities, or a learning component that adjusts the Decision Function over time. But as a basic framework, this thermostat-like process provides a good starting point for understanding and implementing common sense reasoning in a simplified form.



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